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Game Thread Ohio State @ Maryland - 11/17/18, 12:00PM (ABC)

This entire fucking mess is squarely on Meyer's shoulders. His "over" loyalty has dismantled what should have been an awesome football team.

Over loyalty to coaches started it all.

Over loyalty to incumbent players. i.e. upper classmen far more than he should be. Example: Michael Jordan was a great player and now he's soft and deficient which has eviscerated the entire line. To say we had no other Center ready to go? Then the Oline coach should have been put on notice. See point number one.

Over loyalty to a game plan or strategy, when it doesnt work doesnt have the fortitude to accept it and go another way.

I dont know if the media crap has done him in or what, but he seems a shell of his former self. We don't have an entire roster of NFL players this year so development and strategy has to take up the slack. Maybe that's just who he is, I dont know, but he needs changes and how.

May still win this game but this team ks garbage at the moment and it hurts to see this much talent do nothing.

There goes McFarland again. Slowest Defense in Buckeye history.
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