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Ohio State football: All juniors will come back


Bourbon, Bow Ties and Baseball Hats
Staff member
BP Recruiting Team


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 02:51 AM
By Ken Gordon

Ohio State will not lose any underclassmen to the NFL draft this year, coach Jim Tressel confirmed yesterday.

"Our kids want to finish their degree and their commitment at Ohio State," Tressel told The Dispatch. "That is very important to each and every one of them, and to our staff and entire athletics family."

The news is not a surprise. Starting on Dec. 28, when receiver DeVier Posey vowed to return for his senior season, each OSU junior suspected of considering an NFL jump has indicated that he would return.

The main focus has been on the five juniors who face five-game NCAA suspensions this fall. Prior to leaving for the Sugar Bowl, Tressel told those players that unless they pledged to return, they could not travel to New Orleans.

All five gave Tressel their word.

The NFL today will officially announce which juniors are declaring for the draft. This will be the first year since 2003 that OSU will not lose a junior to the NFL.

Posey was the first to say he would come back. Quarterback Terrelle Pryor was next, on Jan. 1 and again after the bowl game on Jan. 4. Running back Daniel Herron confirmed his return on the field immediately after the bowl.

A few days after the game, offensive tackle Mike Adams indicated via his Twitter account that he would return.

The only one of the players with five-game suspensions who did not publicly pledge to return was defensive end Solomon Thomas. But because he has been a backup, his return really was never in question.

Ironically, the player who may have most seriously considered leaving was center Michael Brewster, who is not under suspension. He told The Dispatch on Jan. 10 that he would be back, despite being rated as the No. 1 center prospect by nfldraftscout.com.

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The official list of underclassmen entering the 2011 NFL draft will be released at some point today, but no Ohio State players will appear on it.

[+] Enlarge Jamie Sabau/Getty Images"Our kids want to finish their degree and their commitment at Ohio State," Jim Tressel told The Columbus Dispatch.

Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel confirmed to The Columbus Dispatch on Tuesday that all of the team's underclassmen will be back in 2011. The group includes five players -- quarterback Terrelle Pryor, running back Dan Herron, receiver DeVier Posey, left tackle Mike Adams and defensive linemen Solomon Thomas -- who are suspended for the first five games this coming season, pending appeal.
"Our kids want to finish their degree and their commitment at Ohio State," Tressel told The Dispatch. "That is very important to each and every one of them, and to our staff and entire athletics family."

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And I am sure that all of them realized that declaring for the NFL would subject tOUS's program - and Coach Tressel personally - to a dumptruck load of criticism.

Kudos to the young men for their decision, and kudos to Coach Tressel, who, I'm sure, told them that their play in the Sugar was predicated on their return.
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IronBuckI;1859520; said:
Props to Rittenberg for admitting when he was wrong.

Rittenbeeg never really appears to be a typical ESPIN guy. It (his apology) probably has less to do with his inbox and more to do with the fact that his job is covering the Big Ten and is smart enough to know he shouldn't [mark may] where he sleeps.

I highly doubt you'll see this from schlabach or dood or [insert any sec pundit here].
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This is great news to hear and it will be a most anticipated Spring practice ever in my opinion. To think that these 5 players know the consequence that they will be facing during the 5 game suspension is really a tribute to Ohio State Football.
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