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LGHL Ohio State drops an offer to 3-star OG Warren Ericson

Bret Favachio

Ohio State drops an offer to 3-star OG Warren Ericson
Bret Favachio
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


As always, the Buckeyes are looking to plant the flag in Georgia with their latest offer.

Ericson nabs Buckeye offer

Ohio State currently grasps a commitment from one Georgia prospect in the 2018 recruiting class in quarterback Emory Jones, a five-star standout from Heard County High School. On Wednesday, the Buckeyes looked back to the Peach State as they sent out a new offer to '18 offensive guard Warren Ericson of North Gwinnett (GA).

Very excited to receive an offer from Ohio State!! pic.twitter.com/Yw0PwEgNam

— Warren Ericson (@warericson54) March 29, 2017

While his rankings may not be eye-opening, Ericson, a 6-foot-4, 290-pounder has an impressive offer sheet. The three-star prospect held offers from the likes of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, LSU, Michigan, Notre Dame and Tennessee coming into Wednesday,

While Ericson already had about 20 offers to his disposal, it seems like Ohio State is jumping into the mix at a good time. According to his 247Sports profile, Ericson has only saw Clemson, Michigan,= and Notre Dame for visits. One would think with just three schools seen thus far and an offer sheet that impresses like Ericson's, their could be time for the Buckeyes to make a move in this recruitment.

For now, Ericson comes in ranked No. 417 overall in the class. In addition to that, the Duluth, Ga. resident also holds a standing at 23rd at the offensive guard position and is the 39th highest graded player from his state.

Latest on Vincent's visit

Yesterday, Ohio State welcomed '18 defensive tackle Taron Vincent of IMG Academy (FL) to campus for Day One of his two day stop in Columbus.

That means that today, the Buckeyes will once again have the red carpet rolled out in hopes of convincing the nation's very best defensive tackle that Ohio State is the place to be for him.

Obviously, today is a major day for the Buckeyes’ chances with Vincent as the 6-foot-2, 285-pounder is set to make a decision shortly after — with Florida State, the program that took Marvin Wilson for the Buckeyes about two months ago, being the other school hoping to land the five-star prospect.

Woodbey gets open

Speaking of five-star prospects, '18 safety Jaiden Woodbey, an Ohio State pledge from St. John Bosco (CA) was one of a handful to receive an invite to 'The Opening' on Wednesday.

Congrats to DB Jaiden Woodbey (@JaidenWoodbey6) of @boscofootball (CA) on his invite to #TheOpening Finals. pic.twitter.com/y9FGAHlgFy

— The Opening (@TheOpening) March 29, 2017

Woodbey participated in the regional event in California about two weeks ago. Obviously, he impressed and showed enough to get the invite and will now compete with the best of the best at the Finals event.

'The Opening' is held down in Beaverton, Oregon that features over 150 of the nation’s top high school athletes in a four-day competitive setting. According to their website, 'The Opening Finals' is scheduled for late June or early July.

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