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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

k_stone_69;802212; said:
How many fucking times to we have to hear packer tell us Humphrey is the all time tourney 3pt shooter
Every time he makes a 3...

I just can't believe how poorly we're shooting the 3 ball but still only 8 down. I'm still holding out hope we can hit a few down the stretch!
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fourteenandoh;802210; said:
another oden block results in a 3. FUUUUUCK!

Exactly. Take away that scramble 3 and it's a 5-point game right now.

The Bucks are battling. Keep it up with Conley driving and Oden posting up. If Conley wants to make a pass inside, it should be up in the air.
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BuckeyeMike80;802217; said:

Florida is a good team.

Ohio State can't get one of their runs going.

Unfortunately, we are on a little run, but that has only cut the lead from 14 to 8....We have to keep up the ball pressure and make an outside shot! Let's go guys!!!
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