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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

To all of those saying UF can't stay that hot. All season long we have been a second half team. I'm not going to say we WILL be tonight too (can't jinx my team like that) but if they stay true to form for the season, we should be playing just as well this half. The question is how will your team adjust. Will you go out and block the 3 and leave our bigs to score from the blocks? Will you find a way to do what no team has really done and shut down both the inside and the arc shooting?
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;802073; said:
I think a lot of Florida's have been with a hand in the face... they're just draining them. Cant really fault OSU's D, if you ask me. But, you gotta hit the open looks.

I disagree. Most of them have been wide open. They've been getting them off screens and in transition.
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skatesuf;802090; said:
To all of those saying UF can't stay that hot. All season long we have been a second half team. I'm not going to say we WILL be tonight too (can't jinx my team like that) but if they stay true to form for the season, we should be playing just as well this half. The question is how will your team adjust. Will you go out and block the 3 and leave our bigs to score from the blocks? Will you find a way to do what no team has really done and shut down both the inside and the arc shooting?

If you've been watching us, we are too. Somethings gotta give.
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skatesuf;802097; said:
I haven't been. I watched you guys in the tourney and on Dec 23rd. Tourney performances aren't usually indicative of how teams played all season long.
But they are indicative of how well they are playing at the end of the season, when it counts... and Ohio State has also been a 2nd half team. Should be an interesting 20 minutes of basketball.

A quick run at the beginning of the half and we are right back in it.
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skatesuf;802097; said:
I haven't been. I watched you guys in the tourney and on Dec 23rd. Tourney performances aren't usually indicative of how teams played all season long.

I'm just hoping the Gators that showed up at LSU and at Tennessee show up for the second half. :wink2:

And yes I watched both of those games.
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