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Game Thread Ohio State 34, Minnesota 21 (Sep. 27)

Defense now has:

Worthington, Larimore, N. Williams, Terry

JL, Homan

Jenkins, D-Wash, Hines, Gant, Chekwa

Heyward, Gibson, Rose, Wilson, and Coleman have all subbed in as Minny's been driving.
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I hope that the Buckeyes don't let up in this quarter. Something like 41-6 will be treated as the Buckeyes beating up on the rest of a weak Big Ten, but that is what this team needs to do to start getting some attitude and confidence back.

Keep any previously injured player off the field now.
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For the record, if you are looking for a game to watch between when the Ohio State game ends and when the Wisconsin stomping of TSUN begins, Michigan State - Indiana is 34-29 with 6:07 left in the 3rd quarter. Huge game of interest in the Big Ten, imo.
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Steve19;1273782; said:
I hope that the Buckeyes don't let up in this quarter. Something like 41-6 will be treated as the Buckeyes beating up on the rest of a weak Big Ten, but that is what this team needs to do to start getting some attitude and confidence back.

Keep any previously injured player off the field now.

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JCOSU86;1273780; said:
I thought his (Decker's) name sounded familiar. He is a great baseball player for Minnesota too.

Didn't you read the game preview?

Hey, I predicted 34-13. Is it wrong for me to hope there's no more scoring? :tongue2:
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daveeb;1273783; said:
For the record, if you are looking for a game to watch between when the Ohio State game ends and when the Wisconsin stomping of TSUN begins, Michigan State - Indiana is 34-29 with 6:07 left in the 3rd quarter. Huge game of interest in the Big Ten, imo.

I actually did, but then I heard Pam Ward's voice and decided I'd just watch tOSU.
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daveeb;1273783; said:
For the record, if you are looking for a game to watch between when the Ohio State game ends and when the Wisconsin stomping of TSUN begins, Michigan State - Indiana is 34-29 with 6:07 left in the 3rd quarter. Huge game of interest in the Big Ten, imo.

Also, Iowa is up 17-16 over NW'ern on ESPN Classic. 9 minutes left.
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