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Game Thread Ohio State 34, Minnesota 21 (Sep. 27)

Boeckman with 3 nice throws to Robo this drive. The last one made up for a false start on Browning on 3rd and 2.

Todd also picked up at least 8 yards on a surprise option call on 2nd and 10.

He did make one questionable decision by throwing deep into double coverage on a play where the line gave him good time, but he was finally hit when he threw it.
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buckeyes_rock;1273716; said:
Just saw Nichol on the sidelines in the boot. Who is the next TE in after Ballard?

They'll move B. Smith back to TE, and put Lukens or Terry at FB.

And it's Rory Nicol, why do so many want to put an 'H' in there?
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JCOSU86;1273733; said:
I have the sound down on the TV and OSU radio on, how was the response of the crowd to Todd?

It had better have been cheers.

Listening to 1460....they said Todd received a round of applause when he entered the game.
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