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Game Thread Ohio State 33, Washington 14 (Final)

I'm not saying Boeckman is the better quarterback...but I will tell you that when your starter throws three balls that could have been picked...you need to start thinking about it.

As far as Henton...well...I'm not sold on him...but I wasn't sold on Troy Smith three years ago either...

I don't care what they do, as long as the QB...starts playing like he's a Buckeye, and not a Husky...
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you can't tell me that Tressel would rather pin them deep than convert the 3rd, and possibly score. you can't tell me that about any coach. it defies logic.

When you look at how young the bucks are...on the road for the first time....with a lead...and that def...you do exactly what he just did ....which was get the ball back with about a 10 yd advantage in field position after that all played out....
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