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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

U_S_C_Number1;1259533; said:
Those USC kids sure can play football.... That was a pretty good series for that guy that you aren't too impressed by.. You know, Sanchez....

Someone going to ban this tool?
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Bill Lucas;1259532; said:
Actually, I haven't been all that impressed by the USC defense. They haven't made plays as much as they've gotten timely breaks. My opinion could change in the second half but so far they're just another good defense.

The breaks have gone USC's way. One would have to think that Pryor is going to play a lot more from here on out.
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tibor75;1259548; said:

they've beaten us in every phase of the game and you call it "breaks?" :roll1:

Beanie may have made a difference, but it looks like a top 5 team playing a top 15-20 team.

Those are the breaks Tibs. And this game has been a lot closer, at least early on, than the score indicates....
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