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Game Thread Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17 (final)

really like what the D is doing. I watched MSU playWisky, and they looked tough, and their o line looked tough... today, OSU is controlling the middle on every freakin' play. Larimore is getting doubled and just clogging it up like Warren Sapp, just not a fat slob like Sapp...

Ringer had 8 or nine yards on one run on Sparty's first possession; since then it's been 1 yard, 3 yards, 2 yards, no gain, etc.

MSU is leading the conference in sacks, or is 2nd in conf. Uh, how many do they have today??

Great so far, but let's win this third quarter before we let up.

Go Bucks!!
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Dantonio says 17-0 is not that bad. Tressel will be telling the guys that 17-0 is not that good. In 1998, if I recall correctly, we gave up that good a lead or better. So, let's hope the defense continues to dominate. A good half.

Oh, and I almost forgot, this just in...

South Africa 15
England 6

South Africa are Rugby World Champions!

I'm sitting here with my son, watching Ohio State dismantle MSU, and my rugby team wins the world championship. Life is good!!! :groove:
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Steve19;965652; said:
Dantonio says 17-0 is not that bad. Tressel will be telling the guys that 17-0 is not that good. In 1998, if I recall correctly, we gave up that good a lead or better. So, let's hope the defense continues to dominate. A good half.

I'm sitting here with my son, watching Ohio State dismantle MSU, and my rugby team wins the world championship. Life is good!!! :groove:

We were up 19-6 with a little over 9 minutes to go in the third quarter in 98 when the wells came off...
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Mr. Incredible;965257; said:
Andre Ware: "I'm going to give you two names in that Michigan State-Ohio State game. Ringer, Caulcrick. Michigan State. They're gonna wil this cu.... this afternoon."

Man, he is almost as bad of a predictor as he was a Quarterback. Or as bad of a predictor as he is a color commentator.
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buckeyebri;965653; said:
We were up 19-6 with a little over 9 minutes to go in the third quarter in 98 when the wells came off...

OregonBuckeye;965657; said:
I thought I remembered us being up 24-9 at one point. Am I mistaken?
It was 24-9 in the middle of the third quarter, and Michigan State was punting from its own endzone...

... and John Cooper was coaching Ohio State.
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For those keeping track

MSU 1st half -- the best rushing attack the Buckeyes have faced thus far --

Rushing -- 56

Passing -- 17

Oh, and Buckeyes

Rushing -- 119 net

Passing -- 121

Good, balanced, offense.

Wells, Chris - 112 yards.
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