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Ohio Lottery pick 4 numbers 4-2-3-9

Complaints, complaints, complaints. We're working with rather limited resources here and it's along way to get the aim correct when its late in a game and you're trying to will Pitt to a needed first down.

How about a little love for the guys down here in the engine room doing the work? :biggrin:


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Lucky score: Ohio state lottery draws 4-2-3-9 winner

CLEVELAND -- Ohio State's 42-39 victory over Michigan also was lucky for players of the Ohio Lottery.

Minutes after Saturday's game was over, the numbers 4-2-3-9 were drawn for the Pick 4 game.

"You know it happens," lottery spokeswoman Marie Kilbane said Sunday.

Lottery spokeswoman Mardele Cohen said 401 $1 bets were made that picked 4-2-3-9 in order and each bet won $5,000. The odds of the numbers turning up in that combination were 10,000 to 1.

Cohen said 913 $1 bets were placed on any combination of the winning numbers and paid $200 apiece.

The lottery paid a total of $2.19 million in winnings. Players had wagered $347,867.50.

Kilbane said it's likely that most of the bets with the winning numbers were placed after the game ended, but she did not know how much money was wagered in that period. The football game finished at 7:13 p.m. and the drawing was at 7:45 p.m.

Judging by the payout, a lot of people hurried to bet the final score before the drawing.
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