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Game Thread Ohio 14, Ohio State 26 (Sept. 6)

daveeb;1250381; said:
Jim, why are you trying to run Maurice Wells in a short yardage situation? Pryor and Herron are both better options for short yardage situations. Mo Wells is great in space, like Saine. Elementary stuff.

if the OL was doing their job, YOU could pick up a first in that situation. they look TERRIBLE so far. i'm totally disappointed with the effort by our big guys up front.
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Gut check time for the O-Line. On a side note, the Big Ten is currently looking like a joke at this early, Saturday morning juncture. Wisconsin down 14 at home to Marshall? Illinois only up 3 against E. Illinois? OSU looking completely impotent on offense against a mid-level MAC team? MSU and E. Mich tied at 7 in the second quarter? At least Iowa is rolling . . . .
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