Clarrett is crazy!
1. How about claiming he could play on defense, linebacker I believe.
2. Argueing with coach Tressel on the sideline
3. Getting hurt in games and treated by trainers, then rushing back up to Tressel to get back into the game.
(This was something I did not agree with Tressel about. I didn't get the impression that Mo was held from any playing time because of bad behavior. Would other players of gotten the same? Doubt it! Can anybody give me one instance where MOc was punished by the coaching staff? I think this is a good point of discussion because I do think MOc did get preferential treatment (see Lydell) by the coaches. That is not to say this latest MOc fiasco is Tressels fault. Also remember against Texas Tech how MOc got so many carries at MOc request, the game was in hand, why Tressel?)
4.I observed him at practice and he did isolate himself from the team. It was strange. You could see an attitude toward everyone including Mike Doss who tried to befriend him.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but could Clarrett suffer from some kind of mental illness. I"M NOT SUGGESTING ANY TYPE OF EXCUSE FOR HIS ACTIONS, THEY ARE ALL INANEXCUSABLE!!!!!!! (I'm beating you to punch milliani and buckeyegrad) But if the Korey Stringer funeral story is true along with the others, these are not the actions of a rational person. Again it does not EXCUSE his actions, but I think he is mentally ill. Self centered, narcississtic, boastful, conceited, rude, irrational, no accountability, egotistical, impossible, pompous, self-important, showy, smugg and incorrigible. Any of these words can describe personality disorders and Clarrett at the same time. Who knows, maybe ESPN will do and article with Clarrett in a straight-jacket some day. That would be justice for OSU