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BuckeyeNation27;1206703; said:
dbb doesn't scare me.....and this is just a badass picture.

[whine]but I used capital letters[/whine]...:sob:

Glad to see that people know better than to take me seriously

Seriously though, that is a badass picture

but not quite as badass as this:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfkWuDTsicg"]YouTube - Katzenmoyer blast Corby Jones[/ame]
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Mark Johnson & "Mad Dog" Reynolds

...we're creeping closer & closer, my friends! :biggrin: :osu:


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DaddyBigBucks;1207631; said:
This link won't last long, but:


I tried to find a pic of Ray (Archie's bro.), but was unsuccessful.

Ray Griffin S #44, was an OSU Captain, All Big Ten and All American in 1977.

...and has the second longest int. return for a TD in OSU Football History (95 yards against Indiana)

Again, thanks msj...in fact, let's just assume from now on that if I post some interesting tidbit in this thread regarding an ex-OSU player, I probably siphoned the info from his thread. :biggrin:
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Padraig;1207662; said:
I tried to find a pic of Ray (Archie's bro.), but was unsuccessful.

Ray Griffin S #44, was an OSU Captain, All Big Ten and All American in 1977.

...and has the second longest int. return for a TD in OSU Football History (95 yards against Indiana)

Again, thanks msj...in fact, let's just assume from now on that if I post some interesting tidbit in this thread regarding an ex-OSU player, I probably siphoned the info from his thread. :biggrin:

The biggest reason that I waded through 20-pages of Google searches to find a picture of a Ray Griffin jersey is because of a play he made in The Game, 1975. The score was tied (14 all I think) very late in the game, and TSUN had the ball until Ray Griffin intercepted it and returned it inside their 5 yard line. Big Pete Johnson bulled his way into the endzone from there, ensuring that Ray's Big Brother Archie would end his OSU career having never lost to TSUN.
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DaddyBigBucks;1207671; said:
The biggest reason that I waded through 20-pages of Google searches to find a picture of a Ray Griffin jersey is because of a play he made in The Game, 1975. The score was tied (14 all I think) very late in the game, and TSUN had the ball until Ray Griffin intercepted it and returned it inside their 5 yard line. Big Pete Johnson bulled his way into the endzone from there, ensuring that Ray's Big Brother Archie would end his OSU career having never lost to TSUN.

The score was 14-14, it was just after Corny Greene had led the team on an 80-yard TD drive to tie the score with 3:18 left.
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