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BuckWrestler141;622777; said:
Comments about the crowd. I was not impressed by the noise level during the game. They stuck with it for the most part even when they were getting beat bad, but at no point was it 'deafening'.

I scored tickets at the end of the 2nd quarter upperdeck area by the 50 yard line for.. FIVE DOLLARS each.

It's hard to tell how loud the stadium gets from the upper deck. Two years in C deck has taught me that. Your section can get loud as hell (and does in the Shoe) but the overall noise is hard to appreciate. If you were unimpressed by the noise generated by the section you were in than that would be a different story I guess.
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Oh8ch;622748; said:

If I had mortgaged my house and invested everything in Enron at just the right minute and then sold it at just the right minute as well, I would be quite wealthy. But I was never much of an investor and never much of a fan of Enron.

However, if I had bet $20 on OSU to beat MSU against the spread last year, placed my winnings on OSU to win against the spread the following week, and continued the process through last night - I would now have an amount just shy of $41,000.

If the bookies are doing their job, beating the spread 12 straight times is like correctly calling heads in 12 straight coin tosses.
with the standard 10% vig, going all in 12 times in a row will net you $44,250.91 from the original $20 bet... holy shit, i wish i'd been in the sports book... :yow2:
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Give OH8ch a GPA for this one, what a great post, The Cleveland Plain Squealer does not have as fine a writer. The only thing he may have missed was Corso confirming he is an idiot with the Hawkeye head gear and the towel.
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Great stuff as always, Oh8ch.

I can't discuss the TV commentating, since I haven't re-watched the game yet.

The Iowa fans showed up big time. That place was a hornet's nest in bumble-bee colors at the start of the game. I haven't read the game thread yet, but I'm sure it was compared to Steelers fans with black and gold waving those towels. I was in the Northeast corner in row 45 with 2 other Buckeye fans; there were Buckeyes in the lowest 20-25 rows of that section and the top 20 or so rows of that section - and other than that I was amazed at the lack of scarlet in the stadium. Besides the 4,000 or so in that one corner split high and low, there were only a few hundred more scattered througout the stadium. There were a easily a couple thousand more Buckeye fans scattered thoughout DKR 3 weeks ago.

The Buckeyes played a near-perfect game and quieted the crowd down. The Iowa people near me were friendly season-ticket holders who cheered loudly in the first quarter and just in spots at other times. They knew the PI call in the first half was a phantom call. After a while they knew they were simply overmatched.

The play-calling was top-notch. They took a shot with Ginn early when he was single-covered, and even though it didn't connect, that forced safety help most of the time after that. When Iowa was willing to risk single coverage on Ted, Troy took advantage of the cushion the CB had to provide and hit him with quick throws, some of which were not on third down. That helped move the chains and kill the clock in the second half.

Post-game kudos for the Buckeye faithful in that corner who did a fine rendition of 'Carmen, Ohio' without the team, which had simply exited to the locker room at the far end after the game. It was followed up with a little 'Don't Give a Damn...'.

When one of only a couple of mistakes the team makes is a delay of game on a kickoff after icing the game, the team is executing at a very high level.

The season is basically half-over. In the rear-view mirror are Texas, Penn State and Iowa. Still dangerous games are at MSU, TSUN, and a bowl game. Other than that, the other games should not be a threat.

It truly is a great time to be a Buckeye!
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My favorite TV moment last night was when Corso began his rant while picking the winner of the evening. As he went into his pick, he said "Penn State 17 Ohio State 10!" then grabbed the Hawkeye head and just before putting it on he said "I'm going with the Buckeyes!"
Wow! He has to put the bottle down until he's back in the hotel.:cheers:
I can understand one mispoken word, but there was three there in the matter of less than ten seconds
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I'd give you rep, but the system won't let me. Fantastic post Oh8ch!

The only thing missing that bothered me was Herbie switching from a Scarlet tie pre-game to a gold tie during the game.

He even made a big deal pre-game about how he didn't mean to wear scarlet, but that his wife dresses him. Apparently, she is a better CFB sports analyst than he is!
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timBUCK2;622961; said:
I'd give you rep, but the system won't let me. Fantastic post Oh8ch!

The only thing missing that bothered me was Herbie switching from a Scarlet tie pre-game to a gold tie during the game.

He even made a big deal pre-game about how he didn't mean to wear scarlet, but that his wife dresses him. Apparently, she is a better CFB sports analyst than he is!
Herbie did the exact same thing Thursday night when he was wearing a two-tone orange-on-orange tie while calling the Auburn/S Carolina game. He apologized to the SC fans on-air during the third quarter and blamed his wife. :biggrin:
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Brent Mushmouth

Jwin- it has been my experience that Musberger jumps on the bandwagon, in his later years. Early in his career, he picked a team and stayed with them, but that was when he was in the #2 chair. Now that he's in the #1 chair, he goes with the favorite, and as the game unfolds (and OSU starts pulling away from ND), he jumps on the bandwagon, and becomes effusive toward the frontrunner. (And OSU was the front runner most of the game).

Make you a deal- I'll go back and LISTEN to the tape from the beginning, and see when he changes his tune........probably started after Ginn's second TD, and the handwriting was on the wall.

I actually have more respect for a Mark Mays type (I know, I know) because he makes a pick, and stays with it, and alibis for the loss rather than switching like Musberger does, switching to the frontrunner as the situation changes.

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:
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I'm not interested in when he changes his tune... obviously he's going to start lavishing OSU with more praise as they pull away.

Please explain what he's saying that is so anti-OSU, b/c I certainly don't hear it.

Is this about not giving OSU due respect until they start pulling away? If I had to guess, a handful of experts probably thought Iowa had some glaring flaws, but their bosses know it makes for better ratings if they hype up the upsets (how many 'upset alerts' did they have on college gameday?).
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