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Kinch - On the serious side, what does $47,000 a year in NYC equate to? I know the cost of living is high there, but is it like $35K or $15K in Columbus?
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BinM - Thats kinda a two sided question. First - you can work in NYC and live far away from the city - many many people do. I know some people who commute to my firm from Pennsylvannia even. There are many incentives to - lower real estate costs, less congestion, and maybe most importantly - no 5% NYC income tax. Id say in this case that 47k is prob about 35-40ish in C-bus.
However, if you live in Manhattan, you just almost cannot do it on 47k, unless you are lucky enough to find a rent controlled apt or have many roommates. You really need about 60k of income (bare min) to live in Manhattan, and that is w no savings. From rent to food, everything is SO expensive here. Just a night out w the fellas is $100-$200 average. So figure the min that you would need to live in C-bus, and that is about 60k in Manhattan.