Was just watching SportsCenter when an commercial started with an slightly blurry from-behind image of a college football player standing in the tunnel waiting to head out to the field. I thought, "Hey that looks like an Ohio State road white uniform". Well, sure enough it was. They closed in on the player and his name had "intimidated" on it. And then it changed to "nervous" or something like that and cycled through three or four more synonyms. It was obvious he was in the tunnel at The Pig House, and I got a tad pissed at all those terms being put on his uniform. Then it showed him from the front lowering his head and taking a deep breath, followed by a close up of his hand tightening his grip on the face mask of his helmet in his hand. Then the shot return to the back of him, and his name was now "psyched", and then it cycled through "pumped", "excited", and a few other similar words. The the announcer asked of you were ready for the home-field advantage. The last shot was an Ohio State player doing the Heisman pose in the Michigan end zone. I ended up liking the commercial quite a bit.