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New Authentic Jerseys on sale!!

i think its comical so im not mad, just would like the mods to stop being such hard asses until there comes a time to actually be one...ie mom jokes or threatening something of that sort
"Stop being sucha pussy"

in all fairness.. this is how it works (you ask for rep, you recieve negative rep).. not only with mods, but everyone here. If a non-mod had the chance to ding you im sure they would of
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you sir...i am chilled out...actually i was never mad in the first place, i showed this to some of my coworkers here at school and we laughed for a good 5 min. on how pathetic moderators are sometimes...i think its comical so im not mad, just would like the mods to stop being such hard asses until there comes a time to actually be one...ie mom jokes or threatening something of that sort

You can't have it both ways. You "jokingly" say you want rep points, and later you call them useless. But then you get all worked up about the fact that they're negative rep points. Are they useless or not?
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you sir...i am chilled out...actually i was never mad in the first place, i showed this to some of my coworkers here at school and we laughed for a good 5 min. on how pathetic moderators are sometimes...i think its comical so im not mad, just would like the mods to stop being such hard asses until there comes a time to actually be one...ie mom jokes or threatening something of that sort

This board has a policy of not complaining about rep points. Obviously you care about them, since you made a post suggesting that you deserved some (a bad idea), and then complained when folks gave you some negative ones.

Please don't make any more comments about rep points. Our policy on that topic is a firm one.

To others - let's have this be the end of the rep discussion in this thread. No need to pile on.

This thread can return to discussion of the jerseys, or it will be closed.
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Back to the matter at hand

Anyway, back to the jerseys. The numbers do in fact appear to be on the shoulder. is cardboard heros selling some elaborate hoax or has the throngs of buckeye fans' voices echoes through to nikes cash stuffed ears?
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Anyway, back to the jerseys. The numbers do in fact appear to be on the shoulder. is cardboard heros selling some elaborate hoax or has the throngs of buckeye fans' voices echoes through to nikes cash stuffed ears?
the pictures in the orginal uni thread when the jerseys were first shown to the public are the same with the ones cheros is selling.. with shoulder pads on the numbers will most likely be on the corner of the pad.. like so (i'm guessing with the way they will wear with shoulder pads and the fact that JT has said those numbers postions were moved to the side):
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