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Need: 2 Michigan Tickets

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This is a great forum to have. Looking for any 2 seats they dont even have to be together just in the shoe. In fact if you have 3 or 1 I would be interested.
Since my freshmen year I have gone to every osu vs michigan game regardless of where it was and have sworn to do so until the day I die. Now that I have graduated I plan on returning and keeping the tradition alive although I now live 2000 miles away. Will pay some good money and promise that I will be louder then anyone else you might sell your ticket to.
bennybuckeye;632054; said:
This is a great forum to have. Looking for any 2 seats they dont even have to be together just in the shoe. In fact if you have 3 or 1 I would be interested.
Since my freshmen year I have gone to every osu vs michigan game regardless of where it was and have sworn to do so until the day I die. Now that I have graduated I plan on returning and keeping the tradition alive although I now live 2000 miles away. Will pay some good money and promise that I will be louder then anyone else you might sell your ticket to.

I hope you have about $750 to spare per ticket b/c that's the going rate currently!

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