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Nebraska 10, USC 28 (final)


Booty helps Trojans stomp Cornhuskers

Sunday, September 17, 2006


No . 4 USC 28, No . 19 Nebraska 10 ?
John David Booty was threw for 257 yards and three touchdowns with no interceptions and Southern California thumped Nebraska in Los Angeles, the first meeting between the schools since 1970.
Thousands of red-clad Huskers faithful came west to witness Nebraska?s revival, but TD passes to Dwayne Jarrett and Steve Smith helped the Trojans (2-0) to a 14-3 halftime lead. A 3-yard TD pass to Jarrett made it 21-3, and after the Cornhuskers (2-1) pulled to 21-10 with 12:44 to go in the fourth quarter, USC responded with a 14-play, 81-yard drive that ended in tailback Chauncey Washington?s 7-yard touchdown run. Dwayne Jarrett caught 11 passes for 126 yards, and he become USC?s career touchdown receptions leader with 31.
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I think a team in the Pac-10 will get them this year. I know all thier games are at home, but a good offense can put up points and I think Booty is good for a mistake or two a game that could turn the game around.

There was twice when Nebraska had balls that should of been picked off and taken for td's but they dropped them.
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