What up everyone, I apologize for being completely AWOL except for 1 PSN message to Piney, but ya I've been a bit strapped for cash since I graduated college recently (Piney would be glad to hear where I graduated from), but ya I'm not getting great hours right now at my first job (and I'm planning on hitting up grad school - fingers crossed for tOSU), but basically NCAA 10 has to take a quick back burner to school and my future.
Hopefully, I'll be back asap, however until then, if anyone wants to rock out on Rock Band or get smashed at COD4 (ya, I don't tout my skills at any game other than COD4 because I know I'm freakin awesome at it haha). Anywho I'll be pre-orderin COD: MW next week without a doubt, because its probably my favorite game next to NCAA and Rock Band, but I hope to be on NCAA 10 rockin' the Pirates of ECU within the next two weeks or so!