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NCAA2010 PS3 BP Online Dynasty

Basebuck;1598965; said:
I think we made a mistake by using teambuilder teams in one dynasty and really good teams in the other.

Should we even bring up restarting this league with current teams that are 80 or below? Seems like it might make for a better league. There is no way one of the picked teams can compete with the created teams.

I did notice that Whobe is undefeated with UCF. Has he faced a created team?
I'm all for resetting the leagues if that will make it funner for everyone else. We could reset the super dynasty league to the WAC, MAC, Big East, Sun Belt, or whatever.

(See how I slipped the Big East in there :slappy:)

EDIT: or even doing an all created team like the XBOX movie guys, and just use an auto generated roster with mid-level talent.
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I rather not lose my Okie State team...I just really like them. Also since we all pretty much built our teams from scratch.

I could care less about the other dynasty. I would be down for starting over as shitty teams in that dynasty. Only thing I could not make any type of time commitment until after the new year.
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THEWOOD;1598975; said:
I rather not lose my Okie State team...I just really like them. Also since we all pretty much built our teams from scratch.

Maybe those that have 80 and below teams could move to higher rated teams if they wish? I dont know. It just seems like there are a small number of teams that can only beat each other. Scheduling is goingi to be very very tricky in this dynasty
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IronBuckI;1598945; said:
I'm still playing NCAA Football and Madden occasionally, but I don't have enough time to be a solid member of an online league right now. I've also discovered that soccer is a lot more complex and entertaining than I ever gave it credit for. Having the Fox soccer channel, and having ESPN2 playing The English Premiere League on Saturday mornings, before college football, and instead of gameday, has given me even less time to devote to being in an online league.


Sabotaging you damn PS3 leagues...1...user...at...a...time.
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I like the NCAA games. Sure, there is a ton of unrealistic stuff that goes on but they're fun.

I dont like anything about soccer. Granted, it is due to a complete lack of understanding about the game. Problem is, I barely have time to watch enough football to be satisfied. Trying to pick up soccer is not something I have time for.
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Basebuck;1599007; said:
I like the NCAA games. Sure, there is a ton of unrealistic stuff that goes on but they're fun.

I dont like anything about soccer. Granted, it is due to a complete lack of understanding about the game. Problem is, I barely have time to watch enough football to be satisfied. Trying to pick up soccer is not something I have time for.

Yes you do, that's what the offseason is for. There is NOTHING (I'm sorry not even CFB) that matches the passion of soccer during the world cup. If you consider yourself a sports fan, IMO you're doing yourself a disservice in not watching the World's Game. Not saying you have to be a diehard fan; I'm not even to that level yet. But give it a chance. Especially in the dead period between Spring and summer practices for tOSU.
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Basebuck;1598911; said:

Piney, what's your excuse? Still trying to sell your house?

Fucking house... looks like I am going to have to sink $6,500 to sell it (basement issue) plus it looks like we have decided to build our house, so those meetings are fun.

But I do know I have been slower this year. Combination of my boy being 1 and needing attention 100% of the time, when he was just a few months old I could just let him sit in the swing and stuff. Now he is non-stop motion and loves doing anything I am doing (thus he would either shut off the TV while I am playing or keep grabbing the controller then scream cuz I won't let him hold it)

Then my wife is getting tired of me going onto my PS3 all the time. Not that I would drop or anything, I just try not to be on every night so she keeps letting me play.

Then I just suck :biggrin:

So just slowed me down some plus I am SUPER busy at work so I can't keep stuff up to date like I should in the thread.
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Basebuck;1598899; said:
What conferences are open and who's in what? I might want to switch conferences to get a different flavor of teams each year.

You do know you can't take your Texas A&M team :wink2:

But it would be the SEC, ACC and Big Ten. Not sure if any of those guys will want to switch teams/conferences
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Smooth Olaf;1598411; said:
I was there last year. It's the main reason I used TeamBuilder to continue my dynasty. Now that I'm getting some good commits (#1 SS!), I hope to see some payoff in the next couple seasons.

I'm quoting my post just to reiterate that Army, while a TB team, isn't a powerful team. My ratings this year are B, B, B. I'd like to keep them.
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Last night we advanced to Week 15. Only Fanatic has a game, the rest of us just have to recruit. So hopefully everyone can get on top of the recruiting so we can advance soon.
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So Basebuck.....whats it looking like next week. Yes it is thanksgiving. No Europeans dont celebrate. Yes I do have to work. Pretty much same schedule next week, except that I will get out earlier Thursday and Friday.
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