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PS3 NCAA 14 (PS3) 6th Annual Online Dynasty Thread


Fanatic is a well oiled machine. The final would have been worse had we not sped up the second half so I could pick up my son.

Great season.
GG Mike.
That was about as good of an offensive game as I could have hoped for, especially after not playing the game for a few weeks. I thought after your first drive it was going to be close, but then the first play after kickoff I had an 85 yard screen play then next drive a 65 yard run, there wasn't much hope for your defense. As long as I didn't pass too much, because my oline is terrible this season, especially on pass protection.

I was hoping to kill some clock in the third, but I didn't think I'd run out the entire quarter:lol:
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Yeah, those two plays killed me. I knew it was going to be a long day after that. Im running 10-13 play drives for 10 total points and you run 2 plays and have 14.....lol.

That redzone pick you had was crucial as well. And I dropped two INT that hit me in the hands
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