I am surprised my running game was effective; it really hasn't been all year, but for whatever reason it was working well. There were a couple of plays that I remember feeling very lucky to pick up yards. One was a 3rd and 5 late and I snuck with Franklin right up the middle and he went into the hop-skip-fall forward for 7 yards to get the first. Then when my backup was in late, you had two or three guys around him, being blocked I guess, but he ended up getting through the hole for a few yards.
Honestly, I think the thing that hurt you the most was the first two games that disconnected. I got to see the pressure you were bringing and adjust to it. I think you got me a few times in the final game, but I remember a few very specific plays where I saw it coming and was able to throw the pass before hand. I was caught off guard at first and it was working.