my daughter (OSU Grad) is a school teacher in Texas. apparently half the people there are texas fans and the other half are Okla fans. She is relentless in trying to convert her students into OSU fans lol. She gives extra credit for wearing Osu colors and items and is trying to teach them the fight song and OSU history
As a professor, I have to say that I find stories like this very disturbing. I don't care how big a fan you are, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, should be allowed to interfere with the receipt of a quality education.
It is clear to me reading this post that you should have a serious chat with your daughter about her priorities. Clearly, she is not succeeding as an educator. Education is about producing results and the competitiveness of the American economy hangs on the ability of our teachers to turn out students with appropriate insights into issues of world importance and with the ability to solve the world's most important problems.
So, while I hope that I am not offending you or your daughter, I have to ask you to take a step back and clearly think about the content of your post and the true effect your daughter's actions are having on her students.
I mean, let's be honest here. She clearly has not converted all of them yet has she? If she's giving extra credit, what in the heck else is she teaching those kids, who live in an area that seems to be sorely deprived of real insights into what makes a great football program, that would be worth full credit?
So, I don't care how big a fan these kids are of Texas or Oklahoma, this should not be allowed to interfere with these poor kids learning about the important things in life.
I mean if she is not willing to make the Ohio State fight song and Ohio State history the center of a quality education, then who is going to do it? No, while I think you should give her a pat on the back and encouragement from everyone at BP, as her father you are best placed to tell her that we are hoping to hear of a more appropriate incentive scheme and better results in the future.
After all, America's economy depends on it!