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My computer won't boot up...


Semper Fi!
I have windows 2000. I loaded a quicktime update (ver. 7 I think) and after it rebooted itself....it wouldn't load windows. It gets hung up on the windows page that says it is loading. I have no idea if that is what caused it or not.

I have tried to hit F8 and go into safe mode...and the other 8 or 9 options and none of them will get me loaded.

I have TONS of stuff on there I need to get before I throw it through the window and run over it w/ a F-350 going 80.

Anyone have any ideas how I can get this loaded to my desktop so I can retrieve the files I need...once connected to the internet I can FTP them to a site I can access....


For obvious reasons - i can't respond past 5 or so since I am at work.
Can't think of much. I got stuck with some horrible trojan virus that kept going bonkers and redirected my web browser to some site. I finally got rid of that when I downloaded mcafee spamkiller. I downloaded the registry cleaner, ran the virus software, and the machine was running great. Then I download this trying to watch a video that was linked on this site and on the reboot - nothing.

Definitely haven't done any hardware changes in a loooong time.

If I can't get into windows via safe mode...or the other option of last known good configuration..I figure I am screwed royally. I hope not though...
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I have had no luck with Windows 2000. I upgraded two notebooks to it and both have since refused to boot, even with a 2000 disk. I had to install XP on each to keep them working. My third laptop has 98 and it will keep it till it dies, no more 2000 for me. Sorry it doesn't help. However, all might be well if you upgrade to xp. One I was able to upgrade without reformat, the other had to be reformatted to get it working again.
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You have a few options for saving your data

1) hook it up in another system as the slave drive, and copy to another disk. May not be an option if you only have one computer. You could also install Windows on another hard disk, then browse to the original disk to copy the data off

2) Take a look at BartPE. Let's you boot to a variant of the XP Pre-Installation Environment. You have access to the hard disk, can access external USB devices, load network drivers to mount shares, etc.


If you end up having to start over, create a separate partition for your data. That way it's segregated from Windows, and reinstalling Windows won't touch your data.
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CleveBucks has some good ideas.
PE Builder should do the job well, provided you have sufficient space to move everything.
If your problem is simply a fluke and not a virus or anything you *should* be able to re-install windows without any damage to your files, no programs would work and no settings would be saved unless you really know what you're doing. It's not recommended, but it should leave your files as they are.

A third option that I would try first is to re-write the disk's boot sector.
Find a floppy and at work you can:
- Open My Computer, right click the A: drive and click Format.
- In the Format window, check Create an MS-DOS startup disk.
- Click Start
Then take the disk home and boot your computer with the disk in (you may have to change the boot order so that it boots off of the floppy).
then use the command "fdisk /mbr" (minus the quotes).

It's kinda a long shot, but I've seen things much more weird than that work.
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If you have your Windows 2000 install disk you should be able to put it in when you start the computer and repair Windows. May sure your boot sequence goes to CD before HD. If that doesn't work you can probably reinstall 2000 without reformatting the drive and you won't lose any of your files. I wouldn't recommend running either of those options for long, but it would give you a chance to get your files off of it.

What are you going to do for a long term solution? Wipe the computer and reinstall Windows or buy a new computer? If you are going to buy a new computer I would just set your current HD as a slave and put it in the new computer. I have at least 2 HD's in each computer and keep all of my files on the extra HD's That way if the Windows HD crashes I can wipe it and start over w/o losing anything.
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