Threadjack and a true story.
Grew up in NJ, Dad was a Yankees fan, so we would go to games from time to time. My brother was hypoglycemic and could not eat a lot of food offered at the ballparks. As such Dad would bring in food specifically for my brother in a small cooler.
The cooler would naturally get the once through every time, but they usually let him pass.
One game, a particularly ornery ticket guy told Dad, now way. Dad explained the situation to no avail. We all know the real reason is they want you to buy $5.00 hot dogs and $7.50 beers, but the ticket taker actually told my dad that the cooler was made of hardened plastic and they didn't want to have something that could be used as a projectile.
Dad calmly pointed out to the ticket taker that the promotion person not 5 feet from him was issuing full sized baseball bats(wooden naturally) as part of the bat day promotion.
We got in with the cooler.