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LSU Tigers (official thread)

LSU's Javien Toviano arrested on video voyeurism charges

LSU sophomore cornerback Javien Toviano surrendered to authorities Sunday on charges of video voyeurism, the East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff's office said.

Toviano, 19, of Arlington, Texas, is accused of having sex with a woman and recording it without her consent, according to an arrest warrant. The woman told detectives she found videos of the two on Toviano's iPad that were recorded through a clock with a built-in camera placed near the bed, The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate reported.

The woman told detectives that Toviano had recorded them having sex in the past without her consent and she told him she did not want to be recorded.

Toviano, in an interview with detectives, admitted using a hidden camera to record the sexual encounters, the arrest warrant states.

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LSU's Javien Toviano arrested on video voyeurism charges

LSU sophomore cornerback Javien Toviano surrendered to authorities Sunday on charges of video voyeurism, the East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff's office said.

Toviano, 19, of Arlington, Texas, is accused of having sex with a woman and recording it without her consent, according to an arrest warrant. The woman told detectives she found videos of the two on Toviano's iPad that were recorded through a clock with a built-in camera placed near the bed, The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate reported.

The woman told detectives that Toviano had recorded them having sex in the past without her consent and she told him she did not want to be recorded.

Toviano, in an interview with detectives, admitted using a hidden camera to record the sexual encounters, the arrest warrant states.

He was just compiling content for the Mughshawtys thread
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