The Most Power-Drunk
Honestly, if this was me, and my little sister, I would threaten the peckerhead. But that's totally up to you. Another suggestion, though, is to sit down with your sister, have a little respectful chat, and give her a box of condoms. Now that she's had sex, there is roughly a 100% chance she'll do it again. 16 year old kids are not ready for sex, and if she doesn't have protection WITH her when the "opportunity" next arises, I can guarantee she won't stop to go buy any. To avoid STD's and pregnancy, or at least minimize those risks, I would give her a box of condoms so that you know she has them. But, I would also mention that condoms will not stop anything 100% (STD's or pregnancy), AND that condoms won't even minimize the risk of some STD's.