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LB Ryan Shazier (All B1G, All-American, 2017 Pro Bowl)

AlongTheOlengtangy.com - Ryan Shazier Commits to Ohio State!
by Smith1 on Dec 17, 2010 8:43 PM EST

Former Florida Gator recruit Ryan Shazier has switched his commitment to the Ohio State Buckeyes on the heels of a tumultuous few weeks in which he saw his former school lose and eventually replace its head coach. After a whirlwind and timely courtship, Shazier completed his official visit to Columbus earlier today and announced he'll be a Buckeye just minutes ago. The stability that Jim Tressel and the Buckeyes provide was enough to win the linebacker's commitment.

Will Muschamp might want to break out the Lunesta. He needs to get a good nights sleep and have some epiphanic dreams about potential Florida recruits. Already dealing with the de-commitment of 5 star defensive end Jeoffrey Pagan as well as possible losses of WR Ja'Juan Story and DB Louchiez Purifoy, the new Gator coach has now lost blue chip linebacker Ryan Shazier to Ohio State.

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cdiddy70;1833798; said:
I think we can tell that silly banana icon that he doesn't need to warm up or stretch or whatever you guys like to say.
Yo Didd's is that you.......

Ryan Shazier just made the best decision of his life.

Once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye.
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Wow, having followed OSU recruiting the last 10 years we don't get too many of these type of recruiting wins! Glad to have Ryan, but I'll feel a lot better about it when he signs his name on that LOI. The way recruiting goes in SEC country you know LSU and Florida aren't going to concede just because he gave a verbal.
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Buckeye Nut;1835865; said:
Wow, having followed OSU recruiting the last 10 years we don't get too many of these type of recruiting wins! Glad to have Ryan, but I'll feel a lot better about it when he signs his name on that LOI. The way recruiting goes in SEC country you know LSU and Florida aren't going to concede just because he gave a verbal.

This is unlikely, seeing how he wants to enroll in January. Early enrollees don't sign LOIs.
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