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Latest Celebrity 'Obit' posts

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the famous sex therapist and media personality, has passed away at the age of 96.


Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the famous sex therapist and media personality, has passed away at the age of 96.

Westheimer died on Friday surrounded by her family in New York City, according to her publicist.

Known for her frank discussions of sexual topics and amusing candor, Westheimer has appeared on numerous late-night talk shows and authored multiple best-selling books.

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Per TMZ, Richard Simmons has died. The American fitness personality is known for his energetic exercise videos promoting weight loss, most prominently from his ‘Sweating Through the Oldies’ line of aerobic workouts. The public figure later went on to promote exercise through political activism, including the 2008 bill in support of mandating noncompetitive physical education in public schools as part of the No Child Left Behind Act. He was 76.

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