I lead, you follow.
My belief is that ISIS, like any other movement, has a limited supply of leaders and organizers. Most people are followers, and while a determined follower is certainly dangerous, the talent is at the top. Eliminate the talented ISIS speakers and organizers. Dry up the money. A determined follower can not build a bomb vest if there is no one to teach him or pay for it...
There's your first problem then. I don't believe this lot can be approach like any other 'movement'. Simply because this isn't a movement, its a belief structure and way of life so deeply ingrained that it will spread like a wildfire to anyone in its path.
Kill the leaders? Someone will step in. Dry up the money? You'll see attacks by suicide groups using knives. Bomb vests? Somebody will get their hands on guns regardless.
They are to kill or convert ANYONE not like them or living under their Sharia. It's that easy.
You can give them rocks and sharp sticks, they'll still look to kill those whom they feel can be under their rule or an afront to their religious principles.
Bullets don't silence ideas. I guess that line from The Dark Knight finally has real world application. "Some men just want to watch the world burn".