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Capo Regime
Staff member
After reading some of the score predictions and comments from the tOSU fanbase, I figured this was a good time to break out some quotes from the past:
  • "Why not just invite McGahee, Dorsey, Johnson and Winslow to the Heisman ceremony and have everyone else in college football wait outside in the cold for a separate ceremony called The Most Outstanding Player Outside of Miami Trophy?"
  • "One writer commented that doubt still existed about who was the best player in the country, But the nation's best team? There is no doubt about that."
  • "And the whole enchilada in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl is this: Miami has more talent than Ohio State. A lot more."
  • "One AFC scout says Miami's roster is loaded with NFL talent and that at least 35 to 40 current Hurricanes will get a long look in NFL training camps. 'There's too much talent for them to lose," he says.
  • "Ohio State has got to be the worst unbeaten major college team in modern history."
  • "But all right, Ohio State will play in the National Championship game - probably as heavy underdogs to an undefeated Miami team that has its own problems - and I?m sure we all wish its players and fans good luck. Just don?t ask me to believe they?re the best team in the country, that's all."
  • "The Buckeyes of today play football like the Buckeyes of 30 years ago, when Woody Hayes said, 'There are three things that can happen when you pass, and two of them ain't good."
  • "Things aren't as they seem. I can't tell you how many comments I?ve heard about Ohio State playing down to the level of its competition. Folks, that?s not what?s happening. The Buckeyes aren't a very good 12-0 team. And they won?t be a very good 12-1 team after they lose at home to Michigan on Saturday. Here?s where I stand on a mythical Ohio State-Iowa matchup: The Hawkeyes would win big."
  • "Congratulations to coach Tressel and his Buckeyes, but what they get is the chance to be beheaded, not crowned. We're not getting the two best teams playing for the national championship. We?re getting the best team in the country (the Hurricanes) and a 13-0 team (the Buckeyes)?Do you know any levelheaded Buckeye fans who actually believe they have the second-best team?"
  • "Playing fast is Miami?s style, and it won't take long to figure out who's going to win, Miami 41-14."
  • "If you truly understood this program, you would know what is in store for January 3rd. There will be no upset. Mark it down. Cancel that fairy tale ending and victory parade in Columbus. Miami is on a mission that started long before you even got the idea for this lame brained story or Ohio State decided they were ready to make a long awaited run at the title? Bring your best on Friday night, Ohio State. Miami deserve (sic) no less. When its all said and done: Hurricanes 34 Buckeyes 13."
  • "Final Score 2003 Fiesta Bowl: The Miami Hurricanes 44-10"
  • "Miami 35, OSU 10"
  • "Their only chance [Ohio State] to win the national championship is if Miami loses its edge. Not that I see anything like that happening. My predicted final score? Try 48-10, Canes -- a mismatched score for a game involving mismatched teams."
  • "Go ahead, crunch the numbers. In the end, superior talent wins out. Buckeyes get crunched 37-17."
Don't get ahead of yourself...this is the National Championship and anything can happen.

Represent the University with class...be confident, but be humble.
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osugrad21;677974; said:
Don't get ahead of yourself...this is the National Championship and anything can happen.

Represent the University with class...be confident, but be humble.
Great post 21. The shoe is on the other foot, and I hope five years isn't too long for Ohio State fans to remember all those ridiculous "speed" and "NFL talent" arguments. Florida will come to play, and I hope OSU fans can respect that.

Also, I want to add that people should consider the tone of their hype and hyperbole given that we know it to be a fact that current Florida players and their parents read this site.
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grad, you have to remember that our Buckeyes of ought-two only won the Big Ten, while these Gators won the S...E...C. They are not going to get shafted in the respect department from the sporting world "at large." The line is already quite different than our line against Miami. Bucks -7.5. I recall Miami starting out as 14 point favorites.

Point noted, however. And I agree. Florida can make plays and should not be summarily written off.
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Thanks grad21, I think a great post and here's a GPA for you. If anyone feels differently, please revisit the Texas game 2005 threads prior to the game.

Florida is a good team that we can beat but this is the national championship. Personally, I think we can win by a couple of touchdowns and get our seniors into the game for the last few minutes, but I also thought that would be the case with TSUN.

Go Bucks!
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Based on Post #1 of this thread, I say sticky this one to the top of the front page. Just split off the last 6 posts or so when you do it.
Seconded... I already have this post bookmarked and will use as reference to some over-zealous Buckeye fans (I've seen a few already). Florida is a good team and should be respected as such. Obviously I don't mind if someone predicts a large Buckeye win and can back up their reasoning but the talk of "Teh Bucks will beat teh Gatorz 24323-3!!!11!!" is stupid smack talk. If I want smack talk I'll go to a Scout or Rivals board...
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Oh8ch;678000; said:
Before you get blasted - and you likely will - I think you make a fair point.

I agree with the sentiment of Grad's post not because our overconfidence will influence the game outcome, but because it tempers the attitude of posts on this board for their own sake.
It is easy to sit back and say 'damn, ain't we sompen' - 12 and 0 and #1 all year. But talking smack (not that you suggested that) and suggesting we will win by 35 is not warranted. Florida is a good team and we do have to show up and play. I would rather the tone of this board reflect that and that it be measured and respectful.

I don't think he was saying we will lose if we are over confident, but rather that overconfidence pays no dividends.

Nice post, at least someone gets what Grad was hinting at. :wink2:

Obviously chatter on a message board doesn't equate to anything on the field, I think that anyone with an inkling of common sense can figure that out. Speaking for myself, I feel that the next month will be hell if we have a bunch of overconfident Buckeye fans crawling out of the woodwork and making our fanbase look like a bunch of assholes. Sadly (in some ways), success breeds followers........and I can assure you that there are a lot more Buckeye football fans right now than there were back in August.

Anything can happen in the contest on January 8th. I don't think that it reflects very well on the people who have been humble followers through thick and thin if everyone starts to talk about how badly we'll kill Florida. I think that confidence is a good thing, but arrogance is for the Miami's of the world.............and their bandwagon (which is empty these days BTW) fan base. Sadly, our bandwagon has probably been raided by some of those very fans, who will probably spout some of the same rhetoric that they spouted a couple of years ago.........only this time it will be in our favor.

"And now you have.........the rest of the story. Paul Harvey.....................good day!":biggrin:
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Thanks for compiling these quotes. I've been thinking exactly the same thing, and let me tell you this: I'm a BGSU alum and we cannot underestimate Urban Meyer. He is a very good coach and offensive strategist.

Should be a great game!
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some Buckeye fans could definitely benefit from some humble pie... IN NO WAY SHAPE NOR FORM DOES THAT MEAN I WANT US TO EXPERIENCE A LOSS.. but really, there is no need to be cocky...

From what little I have seen of Florida I can say I'm a bit nervous, those guys are dangerous enough to be deadly...
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Major difference between 2002 and 2006: the former had two undefeated teams, and even if one was winning "ugly" at least they did win them all. And I'd be more concerned about that type of brash over-confidence if OSU were anything like Tha U. The problem for Miami '02 was that their players displayed the same type of arrogance this thread is warning us internet fans against. Troy Smith & Co. will respect the Gators completely.
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The problem for Miami '02 was that their players displayed the same type of arrogance this thread is warning us internet fans against. Troy Smith & Co. will respect the Gators completely.
We know that the team will be ready, but that's not the point at all. Do you remember trying to hold an intelligent conversation with anyone about the '02 game? It was impossible. Buckeye fans were the only people in the country with hope for a win or even a close game. The point is that we should not be arrogant jerks to other fans. Hold intelligent conversation with them considering all aspects of the game and BOTH teams. Most of all, remember that we were just recently the team that was supposed to be embarrassed in the championship game. Don't treat other fans the way we were treated. Florida is a good team, that's why we're playing them.

Don't forget that it just fuels the fire for the underdog to hear things like that. You hear for a month that you are supposed to lose big and you'll have a ton more of a reason to win.
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