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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

GBW response to the Tressel speech

Looks like it's getting under their skin (their moderator is even taking cheapshots)

Actually, the one that amuses me is the fella (Klima) who claims this is no biggie as UM has "its own events." Talk about a back-handed slap to the HS coaches asssociation. I posted a response giving him the straight poop on how Carr has actively interacted with the group before. Wonder what his response will be?
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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 width="95%" border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>

</TD><TD colSpan=20>Re: YIKES!!!! Sign 'O the times?</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Posted By: </TD><TD colSpan=20>LVbuckeye Senior
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Posted At: </TD><TD colSpan=20>2/7/06 6:14:52 pm </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD colSpan=21>Reply </TD></TR><TR><TD class=m bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=21><!--EZCODE QUOTE START-->
Quote: <HR>Although I don't think Tressel is a bad choice because he's been a very good coach, you JUST DON'T HAVE THE OSU COACH SPEAK IN MICHIGAN!!!!!!! <HR>​
LMAO! i guess you aren't aware of the fact that Bo had Woody come in and speak to the Blue before The Game one year. Woody got those kids so fired up that they went out and destroyed the Buckeyes... <!--EZCODE FONT START-->It's in the faithful. It's in the faith. This is the thing that gives the Buckeyes an edge, the Ohio State spirit, the unwavering practice of devotion, devotion the way Woody would want it, and the way John Cooper never could understand. It's a thing so deep it has no roots, so wide it's got no shores. It's a thing that can't be contained, can't be kept under a bushel, or left lying quiet in a heart. It's a thing that has to be sung out, made manifest.

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What's a guy gotta do to get his name spelled right?

From arenafootball.com's Destroyers page.

Jim Tressell to appear at Feb. 24 game
Courtesy: Columbus Destroyers
Release: 02/15/2006

Courtesy: Arena Football League

Members of Ohio State’s 2002 National Championship team join Tressel for pre-game autograph session

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Columbus Destroyers invite football fans to meet Ohio State University Head Football Coach Jim Tressel at Nationwide Arena on Friday, February 24 when the Destroyers face the Arizona Rattlers at 7 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. when Coach Tressel will conduct a chalk talk for all fans who arrive early. Following the chalk talk in the arena bowl, Coach Tressel will take part in a pre-game autograph session on the Bud Light Terrace along with five members of his 2002 National Championship team – safety Will Allen, defensive tackle Tim Anderson, punter Andy Groom, safety Donnie Nickey and defensive tackle Kenny Peterson. The autograph session is scheduled to run from 5:45 – 6:45 p.m. followed by kickoff at 7 p.m. Visit www.coachtressel.com for a chance to win tickets to the game.

Other promotions scheduled for the remaining home games include the following:

Friday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. (Arizona Rattlers) –DISPATCH/MIX 97.1 FAMILY GAME

Dispatch/Mix 97.1 Family Game - This special package includes four game tickets, four Sugardale hot dogs, four Pepsi’s, four popcorns, one foam football, and four Dispatch Ice Haus skate passes. Packages starting at just $64 are available by visiting www.ColumbusDestroyers.com or calling (614) 246-HITS.

Friday, Mar. 10 at 7 p.m. (Georgia Force) – DYNAMITE NIGHT presented by Pepsi

This movie-themed night includes a special appearance by Uncle Rico, the popular character from the comedy hit, Napoleon Dynamite.

Special Offer: Purchase the special ticket package and get a FREE "Vote 4 Pedro" t-shirt (while supplies last). To order, visit www.ColumbusDestroyers.com or call (614) 246-HITS.

Saturday, Mar. 18 at 7 p.m. (Philadelphia Soul) – PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL NIGHT & YOUTH FOOTBALL CLINIC

During this ultimate celebration of football from Pop Warner to the NFL, fans are encouraged to wear their favorite team gear. Young fans (ages 7-14) are invited to register for an afternoon clinic conducted by Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver and former OSU standout Joey Galloway along with former Buckeye linebackers Bobby Carpenter and Anthony Schlagel. For more information on the clinic, call (614) 246-3730.

Sunday, Apr. 9 at 3 p.m. (Orlando Predators) – ZOOPERSTARS CHARACTER NIGHT & DISPATCH/MIX 97.1 FAMILY GAME

These hilarious characters dance, flip, bounce, shake, and just plain entertain.

Friday, Apr. 14 at 7 p.m. (New York Dragons) – 15 MINUTES OF FAME

One fan with the best “15 minutes of fame” story will be honored with a promotional night in his/her name.

Saturday, May 6 at 7 p.m. (Tampa Bay Storm) – ROOSTER’S WING BASH & DISPATCH/MIX 97.1 FAMILY GAME

Rooster's presents a pre-game party featuring Rooster’s wings and Bud Light on the McConnell Street Plaza for the final regular-season game.

Single game tickets starting as low as $10 are on sale now and pro-rated season tickets also available by calling (614) 246-HITS or by visiting www.ColumbusDestroyers.com. In addition, high school and college students (23 years and under) with a valid student ID may purchase a specially priced $7 ticket beginning two hours before each home game at the Nationwide Arena Ticket Office only.

Individual tickets may also be purchased at the Nationwide Arena Ticket Office, at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, or by phone at (614) 431-3600. Tickets are also available at the Blue Jackets Zones located at Chiller Dublin, Chiller Easton and Chiller North. All tickets are subject to service charges and facility fees.

Entering its fourth season, NBC will continue its coverage of the AFL on Sundays throughout the season. Be sure to watch the AFL on NBC. Check local listings for complete details.
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What's a guy gotta do to get his name spelled right?

From arenafootball.com's Destroyers page.

Oh, they'll get it right after he does something major in Columbus ...
Like winning an NC,

OR beating Michigan (many times)

OR winning many successive bowl games (and 3 BCS bowl games).

Jim Tressell to appear at Feb. 24 game
Courtesy: Columbus Destroyers
Release: 02/15/2006

OK - maybe they won't
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Friday, February 24, 2006


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Jim Tressel’s agent and Ohio State officials are believed to be in the midst of reworking the football coach’s contract. There is a clause in his current contract stating that it can be extended by March 1, and athletics director Gene Smith said in December there was no question that it would be extended.

Last week, agent John Geletka said he hadn’t met with Smith yet but expected to any day. This week, Geletka has stopped returning calls and Smith has told reporters that he doesn’t publicly talk about contracts, telltale signs that the process is in the works.

Tressel is halfway through a six-year deal he signed in 2003 after his Buckeyes won the 2002 national title. It runs through the 2008 season. No problems are anticipated.
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10 Least Likeable People In College Football

www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/?p=1667<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END-->

Offseason coping mechanism #1: Glazomania, or obsessive list-making. In no particular order, we present the ten least likeable people in college football today.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->1. Myles Brand<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->. The toothless nanny of all toothless nannies at the NCAA, Brand has spent the majority of his tenure as head bumblefuck tackling important issues such as offensive mascot names while ignoring the yearly chaos resulting from arcane NCAA recruiting codes. (Mike Willilams at USC knows this issue best, having declared for the draft and then changing his mind; evidently, unlike the rest of the population, student athletes enter not a university, but a mafia from which there is only one, one-way exit.)

In the meantime, the notion of the NCAA as an effective enforcer of regulations wanes with each passing year. Text messaging. Off-the-field conduct. Coherent rules about recruiting. Conducting actual investigations into marquee programs. Creating a fair and equitable national championship system. All unanswered and unaddressed questions that Brand will dodge in favor of attacking meaningless trophy issues, @#%$ up the application of Title IX, and enjoying a few more fat years of running an organization that…that does what again, exactly?

Couldn’t tell you if a major program was giving money to recruits, but definitely won’t let you name your team “The Fire-water chuggin’, smallpox-gettin’ Injuns.”

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->2. Phil Fulmer.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> It used to be that only opposing fans yearned for his fat scalp; now his own team’s supporters are grumbling after a 5-6 season that contained what may have been the longest consistently bad set of decisions by a head coach since Hal Mumme’s ‘96 Kentucky season. The quarterback controversy devoured Phil, and his retro reach for the safety blanket of David Cutcliffe encouraged the worst suspicions of fans that Fulmer is a man out of ideas. Toss those ingredients with the bouillabaise of animosity and outright hate Alabama fans bear toward Fat Phil, and you’ve got the pr equivalent of a day-old ham salad left to brew under a car seat on a hot day. (Which Phil might not even eat.)

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->3. Chris Fowler.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Lee Corso should be in this slot, right? But just how detestable is a man who picked Texas to beat USC without shame and makes money by putting mascots on his head? There’s a certain amount of heel to Lee Corso, and it redeems him, since what would the WWE slamfest of Gameday be without its villain? Corso, excepting the odd radio outburst, is also nothing but accomodating in person. Fowler, on the other hand, earns nothing but Fs from those who’ve met him personally; while Herbstreit is engaging, quick with the autograph, and genuinely astonished to be making a living by talking about college football, Fowler rejects fans’ requests, gets tetchy with Corso or Herbstreit when they dally or follow a tangent, and has visible aneurysms when “off-message” signs creep into the back of the Gameday set. Being a wine snob who brags about rock-climbing all the time doesn’t help, either. (David Lee Roth rock climbed; we did too, once upon a time, so it’s not exactly an exclusive club, Chris.)

Rock climbs and drinks wine, which makes him better than you’ll ever hope to be.
4. Lou Holtz.
<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Lou’s an easy target for a panoply of reasons. He represents a rare breed: the scandal-plagued football coach meets dismal, slurring analyst. Holtz the cheery motivational speaker draws raves from those who’ve seen him on the rubber chicken circuit, which should make him more detestable since he commands plump fees to talk about virtue and teamwork despite dragging every program he’s ever been associated with into the shitpit of NCAA violations and probation. You should almost respect him for the Harold Hill act he’s pulled off for almost five decades: it’s almost Abramoffian in its shamelessness. (If Holtz starts buddying up to you and asking you to apply for tribal membership, be afraid.) A charlatan midget cheat of unparalleled hypocrisy.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->5. Dennis Franchione.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> There’s a simple axiom re: being hated in college football: piss off Alabama fans. They vote as a bloc, communicate like the Viet Cong, and disseminate information with the speed of a fiberoptic network, all of which explain the rapid reversal of Coach Dennis Franchione’s fortunes in the eyes of Alabama fans overnight in 2002. Franchione, already tagged with the label of “ambitious” due to job hopping up to the ‘Bama job, up and left overnight from the Bama job despite treacly statements of faith to the crimson and white on his website Coachfran.com and repeated affirmations that jobs didn’t get any bigger or better than Alabama. What he meant to say was “unless you include Texas A&M,” the job he bolted without saying goodbye to his players for, unseating popular longtime coach R.C. Slocum and quickly installing the standard array of sooper genious gimmickry: fake punts, randomly called two point conversion attempts, and loads of trick plays. None of the frippery seemed to cover up Franchione’s ability to generate any kind of sustained success on the field, culminating in a 5-6 season this year and Reggie McNeal openly rolling his eyes at a Franchione playcall in a sideline huddle. In a bit of emerging physiognomy, Franchione’s inner toad has come to the surface in recent years as his waistline and manboobs, as if his real character were beginning to express itself in his physique. See Kirby Puckett for another example of this transformation.

Again: don’t piss off Romanians or Alabama fans.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->6. Steve Spurrier.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Does this require explanation? Passing to get to fifty points with two minutes left. Throwing deep on every down at any time. Goading opponents with custom insults. Running the same play ten times in a game just to prove that it works and you can’t stop it. Pitching fits on the sideline. Getting biblical revenge for losses the following year, often by wildly disproportionate sums. (See Mississippi State 2000 and 2001, where Spurrier avenged a 47-35 loss by going 52-0 on them in the rematch.) Now gets to double the hate by coaching against his alma mater in the SEC East and giving his former team a UFIA in Columbia this past fall as well as picking up where he left off by beating Tennessee in Knoxville with inferior talent. Football Lucifer earns the nickname for a reason: he’s an absolute @#%$ of a coach to scheme against and a vicious soundbiter to face in the media who’d rather go down in flames than lose quietly.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->7. Jim Tressel.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Another coach whose notoriety in the NASDAQ of hate can be attributed to two fanbases: Michigan and Miami’s, one for the near-constant beatings they’ve taken at his hands, and the other for the alleged robbery of a national championship on a ticky-tack pass interference call and subsequent overtime. Tressel’s Ned Flanders act earned him the moniker of Cheatypants McSweatervest, a tribute to his smarmy, holier-than-thou demeanor and the fog of to this point unsubstantiated allegations about improper benefits to players and recruits in Columbus. It doesn’t help that Tressel, who’s probably not a terrible human being, also happens to be a skilled coach and a cutthroat recruiter who may ultimately be responsible for the demise of Lloyd Carr at Michigan. Whether this raises or lowers his status in the eyes of Michigan fans is debateable, but there’s one thing that Tressel most definitely is not outside the lines of the Buckeye State: well-liked.

Tressel’s inner thug may or may not exist, but don’t tell that to Michigan fans. Shot courtesy of the brilliant Tressel’s World.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->8. Michael Adams.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Another large bloc vote-getter in this sweepstakes, Michael Adams may be the most unpopular university president in the nation. Adams dared meddle in the affairs of Vince Dooley, beloved by all Bulldog fans despite napping through his tenure as athletic director and landing the ‘Dawgs on probation more than once. The back-stabbing and double-dealing over the Jim Harrick saga rivalled that of the worst PTA board imbroglios, with Dooley taking to the press and pulling every string short of getting Sonny Perdue to declare martial law before ultimately getting the boot in 2004 per Adams’ refusal to grant Dooley a contract extension. Adams took the backlash badly, hamhandedly dealing with the press and suffering from unsubstantiated claims of improper spending of university funds, and couldn’t wheedle a free hot dog off a tailgater at Georgia games as a result.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->9. Ty Willingham.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> A big fish who should have stayed in his pond, Ty Willingham is the Steve Perry of coaches: a smash success in a corner of the West Coast respected for his range, he struck out on his own with a nationwide solo act. His shoddy work ethic didn’t prevent him from catching fire with an initial hit (”Oh, Sherry” and Ty’s miracle first season at ND) before slipping off the radar screen and onto the golf course. Unlike Steve Perry, though, Willingham went back to familiar turf for a comeback, though not before lobbing the race bomb into the debate via a John Saunders interview and poisoning whatever goodwill might have remained in the tanks of Irish fans. Now still takes veiled shots at Notre Dame in between losses to Air Force and lowering his handicap.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->10. Bobby Bowden.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Yes, he had to make an appearance. A formerly brilliant head coach years beyond his prime, Bowden’s laissez-faire attitude toward minor player infractions like theft, fraud, sexual assualt, assault, and drunk driving is loathsome enough to put him on this list in the eyes of both Florida fans and the ACC doormats they’ve been paving for years. Couple that with the dadgum, aw-shucks man of God manner and you’ve got a rankling stereotype of good ol’ boy hypocrisy so cliched even John Grisham wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. Bowden reached a new pinnacle in recent years through the elevation of his utterly unqualified and incompetent son Jeff Bowden to the post of offensive coordinator, a move that’s taken the quick and strike out of FSU’s offense and squandered otherwise talented players like Greg Jones, Lorenzo Booker, Xavier Lee, Craphonso Thorpe, and Chris Rix (we said talented, not smart or “not sorta gay-looking.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that…) As if the corrupt Buford T. Justice caricature didn’t already fit, Bowden’s completed the scene by putting Junior right there in the patrol car with him.

Bowden: Don’t let the son…call plays for me…(don’t let his son…)
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MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- Ohio State, which paid a visit Monday, was the latest in a list of dozens of schools to send its football coaches this way in the past few years.

All of them come for one reason: To hear West Virginia coach Rich Rodriguez explain the nuances of his no-huddle, shotgun, run-first spread offense.

Yeah, the one that rang up 38 points on Georgia in the Sugar Bowl.


AP Photo
Rich Rodriguez has WVU pointed in the right direction.

"Everybody has a little different version of the spread," Rodriguez said Monday, as he and his wife and two children found their seats at WVU Coliseum for a basketball game against Pitt. "It's flattering when people come out, and we learn a lot when people visit us. Like Ohio State. Here's a team that's pretty good themselves, and they're running some of our stuff. I talked to [Texas coach] Mack Brown the other night, and obviously he did a lot of it with Vince Young. It's kinda nice to trade ideas with people. It can help both programs."
Rodriguez paused and added, "Schemes are sometimes

.....link to full story [ESPN Insider] http://insider.espn.go.com/ncf/insider/news/story?id=2347966
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Tressel featured at Big Green banquet
<!-- ARTICLE BODY TEXT --> <!--ARTICLE BODY TEXT--> HUNTINGTON -- Jim Tressel, head football coach at Ohio State, will be the featured speaker at the 28th annual Big Green Scholarship Foundation Dinner presented by Pepsi. The event will begin at 7 p.m. at Cam Henderson Center.
Corporate tables that seat eight persons for the Big Green Banquet are available for $2,000 and include a special gifts and a private reception with coach Tressel, while individual tickets are $75 per person.
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3"> <tbody><tr> <td><script language="JavaScript">OAS_AD('ArticleFlex_1'); </script>
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> All proceeds from the banquet go to support athletic scholarships at Marshall University.
Tresssel, in five seasons at OSU, has an overall record of 50-13, a National Championship, two Big Ten
co-championships, a
19-game winning streak, National Coach of the Year honors, five bowl appearances, three victories in as many BCS bowl games and three top-five finishes in the national polls.
Marshall football coach Mark Snyder was on Tressel's Youngstown State staff from 1991-96 and on the Ohio State staff from 2001-2004, the last as defensive coordinator.
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Tresssel, in five seasons at OSU, has an overall record of 50-13, a National Championship, two Big Ten co-championships, a 19-game winning streak, National Coach of the Year honors, five bowl appearances, three victories in as many BCS bowl games and three top-five finishes in the national polls.

I love when they spell it all out like that--and I wouldn't be surprised to see Matta's resume read pretty similarly 5 years from now.
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hilarious fark posted by HH on bn:

That's from:


A website that is HILARIOUS in it's absurdity. I was almost crying reading huge sections of it. (WARNING: Don't visit this site if you are one of those tight-ass "I'm so offended by your lack of respect for tOSU" email writing types. It pretty much makes a mockery of Tressel the same way Tressel makes a mockery of *ichigan football)
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