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Jim Bollman (Stay calm and run Dave)

So it was between Bollman and a cow patty and Bollman apparently, due to a last second change of heart by Dantonio, got the job. Cross them off the list of teams that meant anything in the big 10. This has to have Michigan fans rejoicing in taverns all across the state. Hoke will now suddenly look like a genius as victory is all but assured until Bollman moves on.
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these coaches sure surprise me. Bollman must have a way of coaching that is acceptable to thier piers. Because most of us in the fan base sure don't see it that way. Why did Jim Tressel hang on to Bollman for so long during his tenure. Can anybody have an answer to that?
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kippy1040;2309349; said:
these coaches sure surprise me. Bollman must have a way of coaching that is acceptable to thier piers. Because most of us in the fan base sure don't see it that way. Why did Jim Tressel hang on to Bollman for so long during his tenure. Can anybody have an answer to that?

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kippy1040;2309349; said:
these coaches sure surprise me. Bollman must have a way of coaching that is acceptable to thier piers. Because most of us in the fan base sure don't see it that way. Why did Jim Tressel hang on to Bollman for so long during his tenure. Can anybody have an answer to that?

because Bollman was fine with being an OC with very few OC duties. Tough to hire someone else while telling them "yeah, I run the show. You won't be much more than a consultant."
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kippy1040;2309349; said:
these coaches sure surprise me. Bollman must have a way of coaching that is acceptable to thier piers. Because most of us in the fan base sure don't see it that way. Why did Jim Tressel hang on to Bollman for so long during his tenure. Can anybody have an answer to that?

Because they kept winning championships?
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Report: Spartans hiring former Ohio State offensive coordinator Jim Bollman
February 27, 2013
By Joe Rexrode
Detroit Free Press Sports Writer

Michigan State has hired Purdue offensive line coach Jim Bollman to be its new offensive coordinator, according to multiple reports.

CoachingSearch.com reported the news today, citing anonymous sources. MSU has not confirmed the news.

Bollman was Jim Tressel's offensive coordinator and offensive line coach at Ohio State and previously served as MSU's offensive line coach under Nick Saban, in 1995-97. MSU head coach Mark Dantonio worked with Bollman at both stops.

While Bollman had the title of offensive coordinator, Tressel called the Buckeyes' plays. Bollman took over OSU's play calling for the 2011 season, under interim coach Luke Fickell.

He was not retained by new OSU coach Urban Meyer and spent 2012 coaching the offensive line at Boston College. Bollman was hired by Purdue this off-season, joining the staff of another former OSU colleague, Darrell Hazell.

The spot at MSU opened when Dan Roushar left it to become running backs coach for the New Orleans Saints.

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