While I think it's great that OSU addressed the problem, I'm growing tired of "mistakes" in our athletic program. They know, or should know, the rules and yet they walk afoul of them anyway. These types of "mistakes" speak to the character of the individuals who commit them, assuming the stories are printed accurately. Considering the media is full of shit a lot of the time, I'm reluctant to come down too hard on people, since we may not be getting the full story.
However, if the stories are accurate, it's troubling. Missing the snap count is a "mistake"; taking money you shouldn't take isn't a "mistake", it's dishonest; attempting to offer prohibited favors is not a "mistake", it's dishonest. A note in the file, or missing a football game, doesn't seem to be much of a consequence. And how do you trust them again?
If I make such dishonest "mistakes" in my job, termination is only the beginning of my problems. A note in my file? A suspension? I wish...