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IU game did we lose a down??


Maybe I was just wayyy too hung over, but was there a time in the game where there were off setting penalties, and the Buckeyes still lost a down? I'm probably losin' it.......but I could've sworn we lost a down?!
grnvllbuck;644626; said:
Maybe I was just wayyy too hung over, but was there a time in the game where there were off setting penalties, and the Buckeyes still lost a down? I'm probably losin' it.......but I could've sworn we lost a down?!

Try checking the Indiana Game thread...
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No. The referee making the announcement was mistaken. He said, "During the play ... hands to the face ... those penalties offset. The down remains two." However, if you see the replay, Downing took his swing near the end of the play, and the IU player retaliated after the ball was already away. Both penalties were assessed as dead-ball personal fouls after the ref had made his announcement, so the next play was 3rd-and-15. The official box score shows the correct 3-15 down and distance, so I assume the officials signaled it from the field, but they did not announce the correction over the PA and the ESPNU broadcast crew didn't note it either.
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Thanks for the explanation Dryden. Since the fouls occurred AFTER the play then yes it would be 3rd down. Being at the game, I thought the fouls had occurred DURING the play and thus should have remained 2nd down. Thanks for the clarification. GO BUCKS!
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