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Is the President Dead? (not politics)


"Barkin' up the wrong tree"
Not seen since Thursday of last week
No official "Seal of the President" on decision to remove himself from the race
No pre-recorded statements
Signature or statement declaring his intent not to seek re-election is underlined and Biden never underlines signature
Not at the White House

Where is the President?
Not seen since Thursday of last week
No official "Seal of the President" on decision to remove himself from the race
No pre-recorded statements
Signature or statement declaring his intent not to seek re-election is underlined and Biden never underlines signature
Not at the White House

Where is the President?

Is the President Dead?​

Did he recently get into a vehicle driven by a UGA football player?
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Not seen since Thursday of last week
No official "Seal of the President" on decision to remove himself from the race
No pre-recorded statements
Signature or statement declaring his intent not to seek re-election is underlined and Biden never underlines signature
Not at the White House

Where is the President?
He’s going to be really upset next week when he realizes he dropped out.
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