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This is exactly why I create a folder on my desktop for music, and make sure that everything I rip or download goes there in one form or another. I don't know how people operate not knowing where the actual file is located on their computer - just trusting the music library on whatever software they're using.

Anyone have an iPod? I have a buddies Apple iPod and I am trying to import songs into the iPod, except I don't know how....I have read the manual and it is not helping...Anyone have step by step instructions on how to get the songs onto the iPod...I have installed the iPod software already....


Do you have the files in your music library yet? If not, find the folder where those files are stored on your computer, and click and drag the ones you want into your iTunes Library. Simple as that. If they are mp3, AAC, WAV, or any other common format, they will work just fine.

Once you have songs in iTunes, simply plug the iPod into your PC. It should update automatically.

That's not always the case. If the iPod has disk mode enabled, that will not work. Also, iPods set themselves up to automatically update on an authorized (original) computer, and will not automatically update if connected to another computer. If your iPod is not updating upon connection you can manually update it by going to File -> Update iPod.

What kind of PC do you have? I have an Apple iBook, and all I had to do was plug my nano into the laptop and it updated automatically. Is your software current?

The kind of computer does not matter. Upon installation, the iPod is formatted for either Mac or Windows. The only time this should be relevant is if somebody tried to connect from one type to the other - in which case it's the same as trying to take a floppy disk from one to the other - it won't work unless it's reformatted (don't do this.)

Thanks, but that doesn't work...I think you have to import songs from my limewire folder into the libarary folder in iTunes or something...I'm not sure...I also have Mp3's on cd that I want to import as well......

If you're talking about mp3s on CD that you want on your iPod (data CD) you have to put those files on your hard drive first - just click and drag to whatever folder you want, then click and drag from that folder to iTunes. If it's a regular audio CD - just rip the CD through iTunes.

Two things, the type of computer does not matter as it will update the iPod automatically as long as you have the current software installed(which you do) Second, you cannot put songs from your Limewire directly onto your iPod. I'm pretty sure you have to burn them to a CD and than manually put them from the CD onto your iTunes library. If I am wrong, than I have wasted quite a few CD's and time.....

You sir, are wasting CDs bigtime. If the file is on your computer somewhere, you just need to locate it and click and drag it. There is no need to burn a CD to get a song into iTunes.
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