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Ginn & Juice

I enjoy home-made ice cream
Anyone have an iPod? I have a buddies Apple iPod and I am trying to import songs into the iPod, except I don't know how....I have read the manual and it is not helping...Anyone have step by step instructions on how to get the songs onto the iPod...I have installed the iPod software already....

If you do not yet have any songs on your iTunes...then uploading is very simple. You just put a cd in & at the top right of the iTunes frame will be a box that says import cd. Once you import some songs, you should be able to plug in your iPod and it will update automatically and take the songs and playlists straight off your iTunes.

If this doesn't help you, try to be more specific. :)
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If you do not yet have any songs on your iTunes...then uploading is very simple. You just put a cd in & at the top right of the iTunes frame will be a box that says import cd. Once you import some songs, you should be able to plug in your iPod and it will update automatically and take the songs and playlists straight off your iTunes.

If this doesn't help you, try to be more specific. :)

Thanks....I will give it a try....I also have songs in my limewire folder as well..
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I have an HP Pavilion ZV6000 laptop...It is not an Apple...That is probably why it doesn't update automatically....I have all the current software updates..

Two things, the type of computer does not matter as it will update the iPod automatically as long as you have the current software installed(which you do) Second, you cannot put songs from your Limewire directly onto your iPod. I'm pretty sure you have to burn them to a CD and than manually put them from the CD onto your iTunes library. If I am wrong, than I have wasted quite a few CD's and time.....
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Thanks, but that doesn't work...I think you have to import songs from my limewire folder into the libarary folder in iTunes or something...I'm not sure...I also have Mp3's on cd that I want to import as well......

I see what you're saying now. You'll have to go up to the scroll bar at the top left of your iTunes frame and upload a folder/file. I am not at my laptop right now or I could be more specific with this, but once you do that, iTunes should take all your mp3s and wav files or whatever and convert them to iTunes files.

When you browse to upload a file or folder, just select your limewire folder and the iTunes should take to that and just start converting them like mad.
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Yes could you be more specific....I'm actually not computer dumb but I have never done this before....I have iTunes 6...I have my iTunes player open...There is a Source column on the left with these folders (Library, Podcasts, videos, party shuffle, radio, music store, Rock-which is the name of the ipod that is plugged in, Derek's Limewire Tunes,etc.......
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Don't worry about those folders on the left. Those bear no relevance of whether or not you can get your songs on there. When you upload a song from a cd (the easiest step probably), it will go into the Library which is on top. Now...after you've uploaded it, it should go straight into the iPod and the iTunes Library & Recently Added folders.

As far as your limewire folder...you'll have to see my post about the scroll bar at the very topleft of your iTunes window. It should say options or edit or whatever. It's the first scroll option. Look for upload file/folder or add file/folder...something like that. Do that and when you browse, find your limewire folder. It should convert the songs so that they are iTune/iPod compatible.

Maybe list the scroll options on here if that doesn't work and I'll try to help a little more efficiently. :)
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If you have the Shuffle, just drag and drop songs into the iPod's folder, which should say "Derek's iPod" or whatever (has a little Shuffle icon next to it). You can also use the AutoFill feature, which will fill up the iPod with random songs from a designated folder or playlist (I usually just use "Library" or "Running Mix" or something). This AutoFill screen should pop up when you plug the iPod into your laptop.
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