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Inhaling aerosolized pig brains could be hazardous to your health.


I am the evil monkey in your closet
In the slaughterhouse floor at Quality Pork Processors Inc. is an area known as the "head table," but not because it is the place of honor. It is where workers cut up pigs' heads and then shoot compressed air into the skulls until the brains come spilling out. But now the grisly practice has come under suspicion from health authorities.
Over eight months from last December through July, 11 workers at the plant in Austin, Minn. ? all of them employed at the head table ? developed numbness, tingling or other neurological symptoms, and some scientists suspect inhaled airborne brain matter may have somehow triggered the illnesses.

OCBuckWife;1022241; said:

Guess I picked the wrong day to stop inhaling airborne pig brain matter...

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