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Game Thread Indiana at tOSU, Nov 5th, Noon ET, BTN (ovflw for some)

Line play has been really surprising for the entire game. Miller should never have taken a hit like that and Boom Herron shouldn't have been in the position that took him out of the game either. This is the first game I see in a while but I am very surprised.
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This is beyond ridiculous. Indiana getting 6 sacks and knocking out the starting QB and RB and the defense can't get out of their own way. Against INDIANA. Wow.

These guys need to understand that they are not NEARLY good enough to take these type of games off. They showed everyone last week how good they could be, and they're showing everyone this week that they can bring themselves down to the level of a 1-8 Indiana team that can't beat MAC opponents.

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1926Buckeyes;2027659; said:
This is beyond ridiculous. Indiana getting 6 sacks and knocking out the starting QB and RB and the defense can't get out of their own way. Against INDIANA. Wow.

These guys need to understand that they are not NEARLY good enough to take these type of games off. They showed everyone last week how good they could be, and they're showing everyone this week that they can bring themselves down to the level of a 1-8 Indiana team that can't beat MAC opponents.

1st place PSU almost lost to Indiana..
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UpNorthBuckeye;2027655; said:
at this point, we don't deserve to win... but we probably will. Still, should be a wake up call for the head coach to do something with the offense. defense, eh, right behind. Not very impressive today.
Now let's make a statement on D, so we don't have to see Kenny Guiton win the game for us!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, this is not on the coaches. This one is on the kids they are just not playing to win. I see a lot of just going through the motions.
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