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Inagural BP golf outing, vbet (merged)

ScarletInMyVeins said:
You should've seen my fat ass naked chasing my friends around the parking lot at my apartment this past weekend... okay, maybe you shouldn't have. :lol:
Ummm, just what kind of friends do you have?


Oh, and SnG, I would request the same as hawg. And a blindfold, just in case.
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ScarletInMyVeins said:
SnG was one of the ones I was chasing :lol:

I was drunk and one of my friends told me to... oh hell nevermind. It shouldn't have happened, I think some neighbors saw me though :lol:
Lets just hope you didn't catch him, not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm sure he'll be on the other side of the course with the rest of us.
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ScarletInMyVeins said:
You should've seen my fat ass naked chasing my friends around the parking lot at my apartment this past weekend... okay, maybe you shouldn't have. :lol:
yeah, i shouldn't have seen that.

do you think we are going to be the fat guy team?

I'm fat, the one guy that i'm bringing is HUGE (tall too), and you just said that your fat....
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FKAGobucks877 said:
6'10"? No way he's any good. Golf is a short man's game. I know, because I'm 6'", and I suck.
Actually he's my ringer. I don't know how, but he is a really good golfer. Luckily he drives like he is 6'10" too. He was pissed when I talked to him last week because the head fell off his driver. He had to play almost a whole round teeing off with his 4 iron. He still was putting it 260 out.
I've never golfed with the other 2, but they are probably decent. I'm sure I'll be the weak link of our team. I just hope that one of us has a good shot every time.
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WTF? :rofl:

I wish I could've logged on earlier that's some good shit.

First of all we will be playing unless the course is closed due to lighting or heavy rain. But there is only a slight chance of rain. Remember this is a BP event so bad weather is likely to come along with it just like the tailgate.

Next Hawg you don't have to pretend that those are hockey skate you wear we all no the truth. Now go put on your tutu and do a triple loopy thing.

As far as which side of the course you'll be on that will be up to the starters there. After talking to Oakhaven with as few people as we have we all might be on the same side. So hopefully SIMV and Iambrutus are the last cart.

Oh and I plan to be there around 10:00-10:30am to make sure everything runs smooth and to get some range time in (free range balls).
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Buck Nasty said:
maybe you should add "at golf" at the end of that while you are editing, lest you be mocked as a homo of some type.
Damn it! Who keeps editing my posts to make them look gay? :biggrin:

gbearbuck said:
I'll be the fat drunk guy stumbling out of AKAK's car... nevermind me, I'll be fine... just point me in the right direction, and I'll place a nice divit in that area :tongue2:
Hmmm. Well, gbear, I'm glad I'm on your team. It sounds like we have a similiar style of golf.
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