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I wanna turn it around: congrats to tOSU fans...


MEMO: to tOSU Fan...

I spent four days in NOLA getting ready for the game, partying, eating, touring, and ran into some really classy people from Ohio. You're first class people and I hope you were treated to first class hospitality.

Every time one of our jackass fans tried to rile you, you gave it back in a class way...tough to do on Bourbon. I also learned some really cool traditions from your program and look forward to fulfilling two of my 'have to's' before my time.....see a game in the shoe and the big house. But I have to admit one thing...if I hear that damn sloopy song one more time.....:biggrin:

BTW, you have a very fine team, it just wasn't to be last night. Good luck next year and in the future.

lsuroadie;1059496; said:
I spent four days in NOLA getting ready for the game, partying, eating, touring, and ran into some really classy people from Ohio. You're first class people and I hope you were treated to first class hospitality.

Every time one of our jackass fans tried to rile you, you gave it back in a class way...tough to do on Bourbon. I also learned some really cool traditions from your program and look forward to fulfilling two of my 'have to's' before my time.....see a game in the shoe and the big house. But I have to admit one thing...if I hear that damn sloopy song one more time.....:biggrin:

BTW, you have a very fine team, it just wasn't to be last night. Good luck next year and in the future.


Great Post. Thanks and congrats!
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Y'all really made a helluva turnout down here. When I came to work this morning, the folks I talked to who went to the game (lucky so-and-so's) said they felt almost completely surrounded by Scarlet.

I have heard nothing but nice things about the folks who made the trip down here, and I have to say that it's a pleasure to see that kind of thing in this day and age... I can think of a few other schools whose fans and alums would have just phoned it in instead.

Y'all proved the media naysayers wrong about Big Ten snobbery, and we can certainly rule out "lack of fan support" among the reasons why the Bucks lost last night.

So I'd like to salute you guys in a manner which probably sounds odd coming from me but it seems the most fitting:

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Purple Haze;1059773; said:
Y'all really made a helluva turnout down here. When I came to work this morning, the folks I talked to who went to the game (lucky so-and-so's) said they felt almost completely surrounded by Scarlet.

I have heard nothing but nice things about the folks who made the trip down here, and I have to say that it's a pleasure to see that kind of thing in this day and age... I can think of a few other schools whose fans and alums would have just phoned it in instead.

Y'all proved the media naysayers wrong about Big Ten snobbery, and we can certainly rule out "lack of fan support" among the reasons why the Bucks lost last night.

So I'd like to salute you guys in a manner which probably sounds odd coming from me but it seems the most fitting:



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let me add my appreciation to your fanbase in general and to those posters who made their way to TigerForums.Com. really appreciate the way in which they supported your team in a rational way, backed by well thought out reasoning. you have much to be proud of, your team, your coaching staff and your forum.:oh:
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I want to thank all the LSU fans for their class and dignity they have shown on this site. We are some time visted by other fans of other schools and they show why their programs dont measure up sometimes. I have a lot of respect for your program and for the SEC in general. With that said, good luck and hope to get a chance to redeem our selves against you next year.
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Purple Haze;1059773; said:
Y'all really made a helluva turnout down here. When I came to work this morning, the folks I talked to who went to the game (lucky so-and-so's) said they felt almost completely surrounded by Scarlet.

I have heard nothing but nice things about the folks who made the trip down here, and I have to say that it's a pleasure to see that kind of thing in this day and age... I can think of a few other schools whose fans and alums would have just phoned it in instead.

Y'all proved the media naysayers wrong about Big Ten snobbery, and we can certainly rule out "lack of fan support" among the reasons why the Bucks lost last night.

So I'd like to salute you guys in a manner which probably sounds odd coming from me but it seems the most fitting:


Very nice, thanks and congrats.

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Buckeye fans did their school proud...

Way to show up for your team. I and everyone I spoke with was impressed by the numbers and the good-natured attitude of the OSU fans in New Orleans. Callers to the local sports radio shows this AM were throwing around adjectives describing OSU fans like "first-rate" and "classy" all morning. Y'all also seemed to handle the defeat with dignity. There's a newfound respect for the OSU fans by those of us in LA. Regardless of the game's outcome you acquitted yourselves well and apparently don't need a victory to let everyone know you're a helluva fanbase.
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I have nothing but great things to say about y'alls fans, Ohio. Everyone I met was really great, having a wonderful time, and good sports.

To Dawn, who was 6 Hurricane's into the day...at 2PM- way to hang like a champ!

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