I'm wearing Gold Pants
Well - actually tomorrow is the first day of the 12 (last) week - but I won't have any problem wrapping this up.
This is actually my second time through - I followed it much more closely this time and got better results.
I tried to complete the program exactly as prescribed so I could see for myself if this stuff really works.
I read the book 4 times, completed about 90% of the exercise and and nutrition program over the course of 12 weeks (despite my high motivation and commitment - life still gets in the way), and researched everything I could on the web.
Here are few things you might like to know...
- This program can and does work.
- You probably won't get the results shown in the pictures (but we all knew that anyway).
- You MUST follow the program exactly as it is spelled out. Don't tweak it just b/c you don't like this or that exercise or particular feature. The more you tweak, the more you'll risk getting the results you want.
- If you're trying to lose weight, this is a great program to do it on. Forget about the gimmick programs - Atkins, South Beach, et. al. You can do this program for the rest of your life.
- No, you don't have to use supplements (even though they are pushed by EAS man himself Bill Phillips), but you'll likely need them if you are striving for the results in the pictures.
- Some people get scared off by the idea of eating six times and drinking 80oz. (10 glasses) of water a day, plus working out 6 times a week (including cardio). But I'm telling you, it really not that hard. The hardest part is the planning, not the doing. Once you get two weeks into the program, you will get some momemtum, and by week 12 you wonder how you have ever lived any other way.
- You probably won't get to lift as heavy as you would like. With such high repititions and short breaks inbetween sets, I'm sucking wind half the workout.
Worst parts of the program
- There seems to be a little false advertising in the pictures (surprise!). Best case is Anthony Ellis He is on the inside cover of the Body for Life book. He has red shorts in the "before" picture and black shorts in his "after" picture. He specifically claims on his website to not have used the BFL program - but a different program with Bill Phillips. Plus his "after" is at 16 weeks (also on his website) - not 12 weeks - as we are lead to believe.
Also, notice to have some of the other pictures are a little "posed". How did these fat slobs know to strike a flex pose in their "before" picture, knowing they were going to do the same pose 12 weeks later? My guess is that there was some personal coaching going on that we - the mass market purchasing the product - don't know about.
This might be hairsplitting, but it seems the aggretate of these two, plus other observations I've not listed, cast doubt on the credibility of some of the testimonials.
- The journaling system is a little redundant. Man alive - do I really need to write down how long I've rested in between sets?
- The meal program isn't very specific. But this is also an advantage to some - i.e., you don't have to count calories, etc., the main tool of meaurement is your fist for portion control.
- Bill Philips is a little crass in pushing his EAS supplements. Too often workout gurus like BP talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to supplements..."You don't have to use supplements to make this program work....If you follow the program nutrion plan precisely - eat six meals a day including EAS supplements you too can have results like me."
Best parts of the program
- It's not too technical. You don't have to become an expert in exercise physiology or nutrition to get results. Everything you really need to know is in the book.
- You really should be able to finish your workout (as prescribed) in less than an hour.
- There are free downloads to journal your progress and free online community groups to get additional information and support.
What I'm doing now
After the completion of this week, I'm going to take two weeks off and start of more aggressive program by Anthony Ellis - yeah, the same guy I talked about above.
A co-worker of my has been on it for the same 12 weeks that I have been on BFL, and I've really been impressed with the program and the results.
I don't see this as "program hopping" - more like graduation. I've completed BFL, but I'm looking for a little more of a challenge - I think I will get it here.
This is actually my second time through - I followed it much more closely this time and got better results.
I tried to complete the program exactly as prescribed so I could see for myself if this stuff really works.
I read the book 4 times, completed about 90% of the exercise and and nutrition program over the course of 12 weeks (despite my high motivation and commitment - life still gets in the way), and researched everything I could on the web.
Here are few things you might like to know...
- This program can and does work.
- You probably won't get the results shown in the pictures (but we all knew that anyway).
- You MUST follow the program exactly as it is spelled out. Don't tweak it just b/c you don't like this or that exercise or particular feature. The more you tweak, the more you'll risk getting the results you want.
- If you're trying to lose weight, this is a great program to do it on. Forget about the gimmick programs - Atkins, South Beach, et. al. You can do this program for the rest of your life.
- No, you don't have to use supplements (even though they are pushed by EAS man himself Bill Phillips), but you'll likely need them if you are striving for the results in the pictures.
- Some people get scared off by the idea of eating six times and drinking 80oz. (10 glasses) of water a day, plus working out 6 times a week (including cardio). But I'm telling you, it really not that hard. The hardest part is the planning, not the doing. Once you get two weeks into the program, you will get some momemtum, and by week 12 you wonder how you have ever lived any other way.
- You probably won't get to lift as heavy as you would like. With such high repititions and short breaks inbetween sets, I'm sucking wind half the workout.
Worst parts of the program
- There seems to be a little false advertising in the pictures (surprise!). Best case is Anthony Ellis He is on the inside cover of the Body for Life book. He has red shorts in the "before" picture and black shorts in his "after" picture. He specifically claims on his website to not have used the BFL program - but a different program with Bill Phillips. Plus his "after" is at 16 weeks (also on his website) - not 12 weeks - as we are lead to believe.
Also, notice to have some of the other pictures are a little "posed". How did these fat slobs know to strike a flex pose in their "before" picture, knowing they were going to do the same pose 12 weeks later? My guess is that there was some personal coaching going on that we - the mass market purchasing the product - don't know about.
This might be hairsplitting, but it seems the aggretate of these two, plus other observations I've not listed, cast doubt on the credibility of some of the testimonials.
- The journaling system is a little redundant. Man alive - do I really need to write down how long I've rested in between sets?
- The meal program isn't very specific. But this is also an advantage to some - i.e., you don't have to count calories, etc., the main tool of meaurement is your fist for portion control.
- Bill Philips is a little crass in pushing his EAS supplements. Too often workout gurus like BP talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to supplements..."You don't have to use supplements to make this program work....If you follow the program nutrion plan precisely - eat six meals a day including EAS supplements you too can have results like me."
Best parts of the program
- It's not too technical. You don't have to become an expert in exercise physiology or nutrition to get results. Everything you really need to know is in the book.
- You really should be able to finish your workout (as prescribed) in less than an hour.
- There are free downloads to journal your progress and free online community groups to get additional information and support.
What I'm doing now
After the completion of this week, I'm going to take two weeks off and start of more aggressive program by Anthony Ellis - yeah, the same guy I talked about above.
A co-worker of my has been on it for the same 12 weeks that I have been on BFL, and I've really been impressed with the program and the results.
I don't see this as "program hopping" - more like graduation. I've completed BFL, but I'm looking for a little more of a challenge - I think I will get it here.