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I am having trouble burning a movie I downloaded from limewire. I have Nero for my cd burning needs, but it keeps shuttin down everytime i try to use it, and windows burner tells me I dont have the right codec.

So can anyone give me a idea on what program to use for this?

I am having trouble burning a movie I downloaded from limewire. I have Nero for my cd burning needs, but it keeps shuttin down everytime i try to use it, and windows burner tells me I dont have the right codec.

So can anyone give me a idea on what program to use for this?


use limewire and get all of the codecs for Nero. If you can watch it on your computer you should be able to burn it.
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I am now downloading nero 7 ultra edition, as the version I have now is a few years old.

Are you burning a VCD or just burning the file? I've never had luck with VCD's myself, but did download a good image file for Wedding Crashers that burned on a VCD. I'd invest $30 in a DVD burner, it will make your life a lot easier. That way you can convert the video files to DVD movies.
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I have a question that may fall into the same category. I've now downloaded two of Rocket man's Buckeye Classics, Notre Dame 95 and 96. Nero won't let me burn the 95 game... period. It plays perfectly on my computer but Nero tells me it'sw copywrited/patented material and it won't burn it. The 96 version burned easily... only probelm is that I can't get any sound. I get sound if I play the file through the computer, but no sound through the TV's DVD player... and how come Nero doesn't have a choice that says DVD? Everything is a CD... CD/Video. Any clues. My first thought is that Nero software is fucked. It seems like it's always a "buy the hardware and discover that the software that comes with it is a half assed product" situation.
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I am now downloading nero 7 ultra edition, as the version I have now is a few years old.
Get to know bit torrents and use those for movies as opposed to limewire, it makes everything alot easier in most cases. If you have an avi or mpg, burn it on a dvd with ulead movie factory.. its a video editor with a burn feature and will burn nearly everything (including things it shouldnt). You can download a trial version from ulead.com i think. If that dosent work VCD's are good if your dvd player is compatiable. Takes about 4 minutes to burn the movie and its on a cheap cd. Give ulead a try, no gaurntees(sp is way off) but it might work and its free.
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