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How important is the NFL to you?

BuckNutty;1747968; said:
Deety banning spammers is more important to me than most NFL games.

College football is #1 for me and it's not close.
For example, when I consider games where I dont have a vested interest....I'd really look forward to watching The Texas Longhorns vs. The Georgia Bulldogs on a Saturday in October. I probably wouldn't watch a regular season game between The Texans and Falcons.
If that happened, God would be wondering what the Hell caused the influx of prayers for Fajita 5 tornadoes hitting Austin.
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College football, especially Buckeye football, reins over all other football. If i have nothing else to do on a Sunday afternoon/night i will usually turn on a game and watch it, just because it is football. The thing i pay attention to the most with the NFL are the players on my fantasy football team.
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College FB is probably about 100x more important to me than the NFL, but it's my favorite pro sport to watch. I like the NHL but it has no TV exposure. The NBA is a dumpster fire and MLB puts me to sleep.

That being said, I haven't watched the Super Bowl in 5 or 6 years because I could care less who wins if it's not the Browns.
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Cornerback6;1748516; said:
The NBA is a dumpster fire and MLB puts me to sleep.

MLS puts me to sleep.
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99% college football fan. Like the saints when they are on, but leave one day of the weekend to something other than tv watching....and I am watching every college game you have from Thursday until the Hawaii game is over.
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cincibuck;1747957; said:
Don't mistake me for a Bengals fan, Bill Willis, Marion Motley, Lou Groza, Chuck Knoll, Gene Hickerson, MacSpeedie, Dante Lavellie, Otto Graham, Chic Chigadie, Ken Coleman, Horace Gillam -- those are my boyhood heros.

I don't go out of my way to root against the Bengals, I've always liked the Steelers, even when they were awful.

All those old time Browns guys and you like the Steelers? Hating the Steelers is usually the common ground I have with Browns and Bengals fans.

Likewise I have NEVER liked the cowboys no matter who they were playing.

My sentiments exactly...when it comes to the Steelers. I'm guessing the Cowboys don't like you, either. :wink2:

All things said and done, I much prefer Saturdays to Sundays.

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I'll casually watch 2-5 random regular season games if I'm not working, record 2-4 redskin games (and zip thru most of 1-2 after hearing the results elsewhere), catch snippets of a few games for fantasy football, catch half of wildcard week, most of the games after that.

It interests me but doesn't captivate me until at least the second week of the playoffs.
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zwem;1758849; said:
Well I'm a Lions fan so there isn't much to cheer about. Although I'm excited with Suh and should follow them a lot more this year and probably follow the Wolverines less.

So, what would you say to Richy leaving/getting fired from UM and becoming the Lions HC?
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