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How important is the NFL to you?


Some people live and breath the NFL... How important is the NFL to you?


Well if the Holy Spirit would blow some life into the Browns and take the life from Mikey Brown, it could be very important. Right now it's just a Sunday time killer unless someone is kicking the Cowboys ass.
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While I'm amused that a Bengals fan seems to hate the Cowboys more than the Steelers, Browns or Ravens, the NFL is second fiddle for me.

Football, for me, is first and foremost college football and the Buckeyes.
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As long as I keep Sunday a family day, I'm ensured of being left alone on Fall Saturdays. :) So, MNF is usually the only NFL game I typically watch.
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Jake;1747547; said:

While I'm amused that a Bengals fan seems to hate the Cowboys more than the Steelers, Browns or Ravens, the NFL is second fiddle for me.

Football, for me, is first and foremost college football and the Buckeyes.

Don't mistake me for a Bengals fan, Bill Willis, Marion Motley, Lou Groza, Chuck Knoll, Gene Hickerson, MacSpeedie, Dante Lavellie, Otto Graham, Chic Chigadie, Ken Coleman, Horace Gillam -- those are my boyhood heros.

I don't go out of my way to root against the Bengals, I've always liked the Steelers, even when they were awful. Same with the Fran Tarkenton Vikings, the most entertaining team ever to play the game.

Likewise I have NEVER liked the cowboys no matter who they were playing.

All things said and done, I much prefer Saturdays to Sundays.
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Deety banning spammers is more important to me than most NFL games.

College football is #1 for me and it's not close.
For example, when I consider games where I dont have a vested interest....I'd really look forward to watching The Texas Longhorns vs. The Georgia Bulldogs on a Saturday in October. I probably wouldn't watch a regular season game between The Texans and Falcons.
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BuckNutty;1747968; said:
I'd really look forward to watching The Texas Longhorns vs. The Georgia Bulldogs on a Saturday in October. I probably wouldn't watch a regular season game between The Texans and Falcons.

Man - that we be a helluva weekend at Casa de Woof.
I'd be drinking Ice Cold American Coors Light and eating Chorizo soft tacos.
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