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Most people agree that Duct Tape can save you money on costly repair bills but did you know that you could create a wallet to hold all of the money you’ve saved? It’s not as difficult as it sounds and in just a few simple steps, you could be the proud owner of this year’s most important fashion statement (“Duct Tape is my life”).
You’ll need:
a roll of Scotch® Duct Tape,
a utility knife,
a ruler
background music (optional)
Unroll your Duct Tape, leaving the sticky side up and measure and cut a 22-cm length. This is piece A.
Cut a second 22 cm length (we’ll call this piece B) and lay it sticky side down, half way up piece A. Now, fold A over B.
Piece A folds over Piece B
Now, flip your piece of Duct Tape over. You now have a sticky side exposed again. Cut a third 22 cm strip (piece C) and lay it sticky side down covering only the sticky part of piece B.
Turn that over and piece C now has a sticky side exposed. Guess what? You’re going to want to cover that sticky side with piece D (22 cm long). Repeat this with 4 more pieces - you should have used 8 in total.
When you get to your last piece (piece H or 8), fold the sticky side down. Your sheet of Duct Tape will now measure between 15.5 cm to 17 cm x approximately 22 cm. Trim along your sides now to make them even but don’t let the length go below 21 cm.
Fold this sheet of Duct Tape almost in half, leaving _ cm at the top. Now put it aside while you construct the credit card slots.
Unroll your Duct Tape until the flat portion measures 21 cm. Fold this in half making it line up at the edges with no sticky parts visible. Cut where the two parts meet.
Do this a total of six times. You should now have six strips with no sticky sides. Trim each of these to 10 cm long.
Three will go on one side of the wallet -- the other three on the other side.
Take three of the strips and line them up, one on top of the other, leaving a difference of 1 cm between them. Fasten them together with a piece of Duct Tape on the back.
Repeat this process with the other 3 strips. On both three-section strips, open the sections between 1and 2 and tape a small piece of Duct Tape into the bottom to create a seam. Repeat this between 2 and 3 on both sections. This should prevent your credit cards from sticking to the bottom of your wallet.
Take your folded sheet of Duct Tape that you had put aside earlier and place one credit card pocket along one side. Cut another piece of Duct Tape about 10 - 11 cm long and lay it on top. It should overlap your credit card pockets by 1 cm.
Now, turn the wallet over so the sticky side of this last piece of tape is facing you. This is the back of the wallet. You want your wallet to look tidy so cut at the illustrated edges (below) and fold those points down. Turn your wallet over and fold the length of the piece into the inside of the wallet - over the edge of the credit card pockets.
You have two sticky pieces left. Fold them over.
Now repeat this process for the credit card pockets on the other side.
Lay your wallet down so the credit card pockets are facing you. Cut a 10-cm length of Duct Tape and place it along the middle of the wallet so the pockets are held in place. Then fold over the bottom of the back and into the inside of the wallet.
Cut a 24-cm length of Duct Tape and place it across the bottom 2-cm of your wallet. The credit card pockets should still be facing you.
Turn your wallet over and cut where the illustration indicates. Then fold the rest of the Duct Tape over.
Just a few precision cuts and a little bit more taping and your wallet will be ready to use.
Make a small cut at each arrow - creating more room for your credit cards to slide in and out.
Now cut two 9-cm lengths of Duct Tape and cut each lengthwise into 3 strips. Place one strip along the top of each credit card slot and fold it into the slot to cover any exposed sticky parts.
Stand back and admire your Scotch® Duct Tape wallet. Good work! Now, fill it with cash and credit cards and stick it in your pocket.