Herbie for President
as stated if you provide/run some large scale project you might get one (frankly not sure who beside C-dog can award them).
The easy way to get them is to participate in the fund raising campains for the new server/upgrades of software (this occurs in each spring and fall... however you can give at any time). This site is not-for-profit, and all upgrades are provided out of C-Dog's own pocket or through donations.
If you like this site and want to help raise money for the new server, please contact an administrator... they will tell you how/where to go to help.
The easy way to get them is to participate in the fund raising campains for the new server/upgrades of software (this occurs in each spring and fall... however you can give at any time). This site is not-for-profit, and all upgrades are provided out of C-Dog's own pocket or through donations.
If you like this site and want to help raise money for the new server, please contact an administrator... they will tell you how/where to go to help.